Defined as the over indulgence in garlic riddled food the night before, leaving you with symptoms similar to that of a drink fuelled hangover.
Dude “Oh man, I got a real bad garlic hangover from last night!

Chick “I don’t understand…do you mean you had a heavy night on the liqor?”

Dude “No dude, we got take-out for dinner and I had one of those Garlic-Mingin’-Burgers with a frickin’ egg on top…feels like I drank like 10 beers or something man, and it’s given me real bad G-M-B too.”
by _clint November 8, 2010
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when your boyfriend/husband has a giant erection the day after a long night of drinking.
Mike has a hangover boner again. He was out until 4am last night getting drunk with his friends.
by Jmic May 29, 2017
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The unpleasant emotional effects resulting from visiting a large city, and then returning to rural or suburban life.

Side effects often include depression, boredom, and general life-reevaluation.

Especially prevalent when visiting friends who have moved into the city for jobs or school, in result making you feel like you are doing nothing with your life.
Sally: "Hey! Welcome back! You want to get drinks tonight?"

Jack: "Nah.. I think I need to go home and rethink my life. NYC gave me a really bad City Hangover."


Lucy: "I think I'm having a city hangover. I visited Caroline last week in the city and she's got all her shit together, and I'm stuck here in this ol' town. I feel so feeble."
by JayPetey January 5, 2011
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A common annoyance suffered after long hours of programming, resulting in the switching of normal punctuation with programming syntax.
"I have the worst programming hangover today."

Examples of symptoms of a Programming Hangover:

"The cat is white;"

"I just read a new Book()."

"The hypotenuse of a triangle is the Math.sqrt of its sides squared."

"Don't forget to #include<citations> in your paper."
by TheBigCheese01 October 21, 2008
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Book hang-o-ver (hang-oh-ver)

1. The inability to start a new book because you are still living in the old book's world
2. The inability to function at work/school because you were up all night binge-reading
Sam cannot make it to the committee meeting today as she has a book hangover
by Pat Pat Pat Pat Pat June 8, 2014
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When copious amounts of pizza have been consumed too close to bed time, thereby dehydrating you as you sleep and rendering you feeling hungover the next day.
A: You look like ass today man
B: ...Yeah I slept like shit
A: Pizza hangover?
b: Yeah
by MedicMike87 December 16, 2011
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a COD hangover occurs when you play call of duty so much that the next morning you are, tired, irritable, your eyes feel like they'll explode, and severe headaches... this often occurs with college students who have classes the next morning
Dude i'm gonna have a COD hangover, i gotta be up at 6:45 to go to class
by m1sfit September 2, 2010
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