In the world today, the members of this organisation are lying assholes who lie just so they can get elected which would mean living in some fancy house and getting a higher pay check. In otherwords, corrupt.
Source: anonymous, Aug 14, 2003

Not just in the world today.It's always been like this.They're evil bastards.
I gotta go take a shit.Can I borrow some flag (any flag) to wipe on?

doesn't matter what country's flag,I just need a flag...the UN or Mexico would suffice nicely.
by cynic April 7, 2005
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lies lies lies and more lies all to "protect the people" and not so all the people in the government can get rich and laugh at everyone else for believing stupid shit that they make up.
yesteday I saw an alien coming towards me with a knife, but the government said it was a stunt for a tv show and yes! of course i believe them.
by Tim April 27, 2003
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In the world today, the members of this organisation are lying assholes who lie just so they can get elected which would mean living in some fancy house and getting a higher pay check. In otherwords, corrupt.
by Anonymous August 15, 2003
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The guys controlling the subnet, which is something that is beneath the internet that normal humans can't enter, but the government watches you through it!
by Andrew February 24, 2003
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