An action used to immobilize and/or exterminate insects without overtly damaging the specimen (and thus making examination difficult) or causing the internal contents of the specimen to adhere the aforementioned specimen to the crushing implement, thus contaminating it from future use. The crushing implement (typically a shoe, flat rock, paper, or otherwise suitable object) is placed over the specimen and advanced until a controlled breaking of the exoskeleton is both felt and possibly heard; the practice has frequently been described as "satisfying". The crushing implement is then released and inspection may begin. This method can be applied to slow moving insects, but may require a previously applied 'stunning' blow to fast moving or flying insects.
Dude 1 to Dude 2: "Look at the size of that Fu**ing _____! Gentle Crush!!"
Dude 1's shoe: "...ccccrrrkkcc..."
Dude 2 to Dude 1: "It's guts shot out of its anus and glued it to the driveway, three of its legs came off, and its remaining limbs are twitching uncontrollably; but it's still in pretty good condition! Check out it's weird spiny/barbed/colorful/long/fat appendage(s)!
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the type of guy you think is innocent but is not. he does small crimes and doesn’t get caught while doing it. smart; could do bigger, but only steals for good reason.
her: Wow he’s such a nice guy.
friend: I’ve heard he does small crime to help others out and never gets caught.

her: he’s must be a gentle criminal
by hostz May 8, 2022
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A short in stature robust man with a tiny cock. More like to want to suck the skin off a mans cock that to hold hands with a women. Love a good meal and would take one oVer a women’s vagina any day of the week and twice on Sunday. A true believer in the power of love this guy loves love. He once said if he could be reincarnated he would want to be Cupid over in the fire island pines this guys lives cock and witches all cum shots were directed at his face.
Gentle mike took 5 massive loads and was begging for more.
by Dax’s November 25, 2021
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A term that, when heard, makes you question your sexual preferences.
Guy 1: "Hey, have you heard Buster-Gentle?"

Guy 2: "Wait, why all of a sudden do I want to have sex with you?"
by BG1FN April 15, 2011
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The type of beer you bring along when visiting millennials and you aren't in the mood for their uppity super-hazy IPA or barrel aged stout nonsense. Ideal for almost every occasion.
Person 1: Rich, you stopping over to Jamie's tonight?
Person 2: Yeah, but I gotta stop and pick me up some PBR first. Need some gentle beer so I don't have to drink that obnoxious Vermont IPA crap.
by lakeshore January 30, 2022
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(Submissive lycanthrope) A hairy fella who just wants belly rubs most of the time.
Don't worry about all that howling in the bedroom. He's just a Gentle Werewolf.
by Lochleinn October 20, 2018
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A guy who appears to be a gentleman and a scholar, but is really a douchebag.
Girl 1: "So I was talking to this guy who seemed alright, but then just turned into a douchebag."
Boy 1: "Sounds like that guy was a scholarly gentle-douche."
by Sokolebowski November 8, 2011
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