1.) Another way of saying food.
2.) F you De
1.) I want some fud.
2.) What the crap, why did you do that De, F you De!!!
by Jace Lynne May 17, 2011
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The general nastiness found inside one's anus, particularly if they are a little less than clean. Generally used together with the sexual activity of licking or eating out one's anus.
"Girl, I'm gonna lick the fud out yo ass!"

"yo man, that fud be some nasty stuff."
by Imnotsam February 8, 2005
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fat upper dick on a guy, on woman known as a gunt.
his fud was so big that he couldnt see his own penis
by april smith August 18, 2003
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Verb - An act involving anal sex, primarily a homosexual act. When one partner ejaculates into another partners anus, the intercourse continues mixing semen and fecal matter into a frothy mixture. The frothy mixture of semen and fecal matter is then extracted and consumed by inserting a straw into the anus.
Dave: Damit Bob! I told you should not eat corn on the cob when you know we wil be fudding later.
Bob: Oh, yeah.. I forgot that plugs up the straw with the corn bits sometimes.. sorry..
Dave: I have to go floss out the corn chunks now..
by Sammy "Da Bull" September 3, 2006
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Used to say "Fuck You Dick" without others knowing.
by DCack August 28, 2006
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A guy who slaps a womans pussy during sex like he's slapping his last £10 on a football coupon in the bookies
Steven slapped Helenas pussy during sex - he was a fud whacker
by The Fairy Sesh Mother December 6, 2019
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fat upper dick. when a guy has a pudgy area above his donnie. It would be fup for a girl which stands for fat upper pussy. get it? got it? good
by dmfm May 27, 2005
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