Fourth person can only be truly grasped as an omnipresence.

The fourth person would not be separate from the the first speaker, it is a presence that is a part of all things, all places, and all times.

I could only imagine this is what religious folks assume God speaks, acts, or thinks like.
a person says to you, "I remember when I crossed the street this morning"
"fourth person" responses, "we remember when we crossed the street" or "we will cross the street" or "we are crossing the street".
by FourthPersonGuy January 22, 2011
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The action of a girl giving your oral sex as she has a mouthful of pop rocks.
My girlfriend gave me the Fourth of July last night, and I haven't been that turned on in months!
by TheOneHitWonderrr March 6, 2011
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The Fourth Wall is an imaginary "wall" that separates you from the game or movie. This Fourth Wall is If someone or something addresses you; the player or the viewer, directly or indirectly, or when something that is typical for a particular kind of movie or game is addressed, it is known as breaking the fourth wall.
Deadpool: "Superhero landing! She's gonna do it!"
Negasonic Teenage Warhead: *does it*
Deadpool: "Wooo! Superhero landing. That's hard on the knees!"
The Fourth Wall just broke.
by Shadvox May 14, 2018
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A time of explosins and emissions from tubes of various sizes..people take pleasure in these great eruptions
by Timm Heacock July 11, 2008
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The current (2018) alternative name for the European Union (EU). A political term of abuse.
The origins for the EU started after WW2, with the European Coal and Steel Community, which ultimately morphed into the European Union via "the Common Market" and the "European Economic Community (EEC)".
The term Fourth Reich was used in an article in the British Daily Telegraph in 2016 by Political Commentator Simon Heffer. See below. It was also used in an article in the German publication Der Spiegel, in March 2015 to indicate the growing domination of Germany within Europe, without the need for further military conquest.
It was also used to indicate
Simon Heffer writing in The UK Daily Telegraph 2016, said: "Mr Cameron plainly won't admit that German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces ...
by FlintMac February 23, 2018
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The day that all men dread, because when February Fourth comes around, all dudes have to surrender their hoodies to their girlfriends
Gf: you know what day it is?!
Bf: ugh, here you go. *rips off hoodie
Gf: thx!
Bf: only because it’s February fourth, and I have to give you my hoodie.
by Qjeifhekwoebthe November 28, 2019
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Happy Fourth (adjective) is a demographic of people who can't enough 4th of July. It's more of a year-round way of life to them than just a one-time holiday.

You can wish them a "Happy Fourth!" ("Happy 4th!"), also known as "Happy 4th of July," at any time during the year and they will likely respond with immense exuberance. They are mostly white but can be any ethnicity, and, although attire varies, many will be wearing cutoff shirts with Eagles on them. They love scratch-offs, lottos, and telling you their entire medical history as well as every detail of their personal family drama. In addition, they have been known to share all this information with you even if you just met, so be prepared to never get a word in the conversation. This is also their strength, however, because they have the biggest hearts imaginable and will welcome you as their best friend within the first five minutes of knowing you and help you in any way they can.

A person who is Happy Fourth is known as a "Happy Fourther."
Person 1: "You'll never believe this, man. During my shift today at Piggly Wiggly, a woman named Belinda asked me to help her find the beer aisle. I have never met her in my life, but as I was walking her over, she began telling me her entire family drama. After that, she went on to tell me about how she calls her doctor's office twice a day because they never refill her meds when she needs them. And finally, she spent about 45 minutes on the virtual slots machine before grabbing all the coupon inserts and leaving."

Person 2: "Oh yeah, I've seen Belinda at that Pig before. She's Happy Fourth for sure."
by Happy Fourth Hank August 8, 2021
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