When the person in question, does not have the capacity to actually care about what you are saying, but does have bit of intrest. So the amount of fucks given cannot be great.

So they might give two.
Person 1: Do you wanna know about this REALLY funny thing?!


Person 1: No, you give two :-)
by theflyingmonkeybannatree October 20, 2009
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Something that is causing self destructive behavior worldwide, and commonly among African Americans. Basically it is when someone's heart becomes cold and they do whatever they can to get satisfaction that day, so school,saving money, wearing condoms, etc. doesn't make sense. It progresses quickly so if you don't catch it the first time someone stops giving a fuck it may be too late. only way to stop them from robbing stealing and dealing is to lock them up or kill them. The only known cure is to, well make them give a fuck (give them a hug?)
"nigga 1:Yo man my nigga Deandre's got "I don't give a fuck virus" bad man, he shot a guy, while slangin 20's on the block and fucking a ho without a condom WHILE getting his dick sucked and i didn't even know that was possible!
Nigga 2: Yeah, he got it bad ever since his mom's ran out on him he stopped doin school and all that, we need to show this nigga sum love!"
Nigga 1: let's go giv him a hug and roll up a L
nigga 2: yeh either that or load up the semi........"
by Hood EZ-3 December 20, 2008
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1) The line near the end of the movie 'American Me' or was it another movie?

2) To not care. To have no remorse.
Man: Hey man you cant park here!
You: I dont give a fuck, homes!
by Mook-Flap August 28, 2003
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A medley of not giving a fuck and not giving a shit. In addition to expressing you don't give a fuck, you furthermore reduce the topics about which you don't give a fuck to shit.
by dontgohomeangelina January 5, 2016
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The proper response to any question in the form of: "Why don't you (do something you don't want to do)?"
Jane: "Why don't you mow the lawn instead of playing video games?"

Dick: "Why don't you go fuck yourself?"
by Arbaman August 21, 2006
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A common exchange between a negro and a gangbanger. Often used needlessly.
Gangbanger:Bob Saget smokes-ah-da reefer.
NegroI don't give a fuck g. 3827508912365-384165-3465-83641-9581634-586312-4856-3140531465-=314256=13425

by lazirus July 6, 2004
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