Usually used in the sense that there is no real food to eat, but people will be content drinking alcoholic beverages without the intentions of eating something.

Commonly used before one might go off to a party but they have no concrete dinner plans.
"Hey man, so you bringing any food up? We can barbeque a steak or something when you get here."

"No, that's okay, man. I think we'll just have some liquid dinner."
by praine August 11, 2009
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Big dinner is a meal which comes after regular dinner.
Aris: I'm off to eat big dinner.
by dqbert July 23, 2017
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A girl who is exclusively after a free meal or an expensive gift. She actively seeks out dates with well-off men who will wine and dine her at upscale restaurants. She is usually physically attractive enough to make the man fall for her feminine wiles. She will rarely have sex with these men, until they spend a certain number of dollars on her. Nobody knows exactly what that number is, so the man keeps spending and spending, while the dinner whore keeps living it up.
As a mere graduate student living on a stipend, it is impossible to find a date in New York, as it is saturated with dinner whores.
by Joe Shizzle February 20, 2005
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What they call Macaroni & Cheese in Canada. The box actually says "Kraft Dinner" where it would normally say "Macaroni & Cheese". In Canada they accept this as perfectly normal.

"Kraft" is, of course, the company that makes the product and "Dinner" is what we will eat when it is done cooking. Be sure to prepare it with milk in a bag.
Even though Macaroni & Cheese is the all-American convenience food product, Canada consumes, per capita, more Kraft Dinner than the United States!
by betty crocker October 23, 2004
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1. Dropping all or some of a significant meal on the ground or another dirty surface that makes it inedible.

2. A senseless and ridiculous waste of food.
1. Eating an ice cream cone outside on a 100 degree Fahrenheit day is a sure way to drop dinner. Some of it will end up on the sidewalk every time. Use a cup.

2. Making agricultural systems and food distribution as efficient as possible is a good idea. Letting food sit in a warehouse, go unused, and rot is Dropping Dinner.
by IronMikey April 7, 2023
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1. Shoplifting enough goods to make yourself dinner out of your pilfered food

2. Shoplifting twice as much inventory as a buddy who is also shoplifting at the same time as you.
Comes from the Halo 3 term "Steak Dinner"
John and Jacob stole three pizzas from their local convenience store, thus they earned themselves a heist dinner
by Heist me a river March 13, 2009
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A trio of highly talented university students who demonstrate their culinary expertise on a nightly basis, leaving any other food related clubs envious of their superior food
Dinner club is better than Roast club - Fact

Dinner club is so god damn awesome i'm making it my clan tag on COD
by Roast_Club_are_dire January 13, 2011
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