P1: You know the homework's due today, right?
by literal living joke January 24, 2020
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To Crick something (usually used with the pronoun it). The utmost fun with sick cunts. When the mad-cunt scale gets to such a height it becomes sick. Also can be used when bouncers are bowled to dumb cunts/mad cunts not wearing a helmet
Come on boys!! Let's fucken Crick it!!

Oi Crick this cunt back to the pavilion
by Mounters man March 18, 2019
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Suddenly a bunch of Cricks were up in my grill about my devout Atheism.
by Word$mith69 January 3, 2018
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Crick can have several different meanings and uses within a sentence. "Crick" can be used as a replacement for just about every slur in every language (predominantly English). Crick is a work that tends to have negative connotations. "Crick" is also a word that can be utilized to describe a gap or hole; e.g: a gab in the couch.
Zonky: sup Bronthony
Bronthony: shut the crick up zonky.
Whomp-Whomp: wow, wow, calm the crick down Bronthony. Why are you mad at Zonky?
Bronthony: He lost my stickers aaaaa >:(
Zonky: I am so incredibly sorry. Try checking the crick between the two parts of the sofa.
Bronthony: I found them! Thanks guys:)
by Epictitus April 15, 2020
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A bend in an otherwise straight penis. It can be at any point.
Wow, he really has a crick in that dick.
by Ohshoot January 5, 2019
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A Palaun that acts like a howley.
Hey brad, you act like a crick.
by Dan the Palaun October 2, 2020
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To be cringe and ick at the same time
Omg he is so crick
by Fathersanta March 11, 2023
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