A woman who trolls for lonely guys on CL "women seeking men". She will engage them in deep conversation for hours, then suddenly cut the guy off. He never hears from the CL Cunt again.
"The other night, I was online with a really nice girl. We were chatting for 6 hours, then she was gone. Never heard back."

"Sound like you got drop-kicked by a Craigslist Cunt. Too bad."
by dmj64 September 3, 2014
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(n) a craigslist buyer who responds to a craigslist post numerous times asking if the item for sale is "still available", then not responding once they learn "it is available". 2) a craigslist buyer who asks for the sellers home address, then once receiving the information does not respond, nor show up for the appointment.
The burglary victim suspected a Craigslist Flake committed the crime, and gave a list of email addresses to the police.
by JoJo2 November 4, 2006
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Craigslist rape is when one puts a fake add on craigslist just to meet people to rape.
'I once got craigslist raped, but it was actually enjoyable!" Said the confused Lonnie.
by linkybinky June 7, 2014
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What happens when you anonymously answer then screw over the person who places an ad on Craigslist by not showing up or being a bullshitter, only to have the same thing happen to you later on when you post something.
Aaron-I cant get any replies to my ad to sell my car
Jim-Well considering you answer ads just to mess with people, you are getting back Craigslist Karma.
by DVillan November 8, 2013
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The best person you will ever meet. She will always be there for you no matter what. She will make you smile and laugh in your time of need.
craigslist friend someone who buys a friend from Craigslist

Mom: who are you on FaceTime with?
Daughter: a friend
Mom: are you sure?
Daughter: yes
(Mom walks away)
Friend: (sarcastic) no, I’m just a friend that was bought off Craigslist
by WofieWonders January 20, 2018
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The good deals and fair treatment I give when selling items on Craigslist entitles me to equally good deals when buying items on Craigslist.

This includes responding to emails, selling in order of response, helping people get items to the car, being reasonable when setting up meet times, and deleting the post after it has been sold, etc.
I got a great deal on this desk from Craigslist, plus they helped me carry it out! It must be my Craigslist Karma after listing that couch in the free section last week and delivering it.
by LouDogg81 June 1, 2010
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To buy things on Craigslist, then resell them for a profit.

The purchase of items in one market for immediate resale on another market in order to profit from a price discrepancy.
I wasted much of my time playing World of Warcraft, I liked to slay dragons and fight zombies as much as the next guy. But what I really enjoyed was shopping at the in-game auction house. When you had stuff you didn't want, you could sell it to other players through auctions. I was practicing Craigslist arbitrage. And soon my lowly little wizard had a fortune of hundreds of gold pieces.
by Jadesqr August 23, 2011
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