Synonymous with Beat Guts, Beat Face, or Dummy a Slam Pig.
Q: Hey Jaime, did you suck cocks with that girl last night?

A: Yeah, we sucked cocks for a while then I donkey punched her then kicked her out.
by Jamie Velez July 10, 2005
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a very vulger diss. name has own meaning basically
dude you're such a cock sucking, penis licking, tittyy touching, anal fucker!!
by uhhliizaa April 28, 2010
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a word used by some faggots from the middle of Saskatchewan that drink alchohol in the back of a trail blazer.
by fuck trudeau January 14, 2019
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adjective & adverb

a word used usally when you stub your toe or get hit by a bus/train, it can even be used as an insalt on the internet.
Mother Fucking Cock-sucking Fucking cunt ass pussy bitch that bus just came out of no where and hit me
by Shroom5799 September 25, 2017
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A term used to describe the situation when a woman has a high ranking job within a coporation but doesnt seem intelligent or appropriate for the job. The woman may not have actually "sucked cock" to get to the top but otherwise obtained the job because of who she is instead of her actual performance and qualifications, but men dont like women having high-ranking jobs so will adopt the idea of sucking cock as the only way she could have got the job.
Officeworker 1: "I just came out of a meeting with that bitch of a marketing manager, and she doesnt know jackshit!"

Officeworker 2: "She must of sucked cock to the top."
by Hugginold Bear May 30, 2007
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A statement made towards a male homosexual in the eternal hope that they will be set straight.
by de-pube January 27, 2023
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