to describe someone who is wearing absolutely rediculously baggy pants. the act of wearing said pants creates a sag in the region of the bum of the pants. hence the wearer of said pants is "bustin a sag"
50 cent is bustin a sag in those huge pantaloons
by jordayman November 23, 2005
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Workin' hard, getting shot done.

John doesn't know what it means, which means he's gotta bust ass to know!
Jim got a promotion, he must be bustin ass.
by Rightoknow March 14, 2014
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Calm down mahfucka you can't get aids from a homeless dude bustin a nut on yo forehead.

by Kyle Swartz April 23, 2006
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Busting A Lincoln is done when a dude steals someone elses camera, like some fat bitches or somethin. Then takes the camera and takes a picture of his wang with a little Abe Lincoln hat on the top of it, probably with the gnads in the picture too. Then returns the camera to the fat bitch, and watches her find his junk with a hat on it.
John - 'Hey Steve guess what Chris did with some fat crackwhore's camera last night'

Chris - 'What dude?'

John - ' He was Bustin' A Lincoln and some cunt came in a jacked his Lincoln hat.'

Chris - 'Holy shit dude! Thats fucking gnarly!
by lucwq82634 September 10, 2007
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to push someone to the limit of his abilities, especially someone's physical skill or prowess in his area of expertise; (probably originally musical slang)
You'll enjoy drumming for Karen, but you'd better keep up your practice -- the speed she wants during those long solos will bust your chops.

Working with platinum is bustin' my chops, I wish I could go back to working in silver.

Bustin' chops is his favorite thing to do on the midterm, so make sure you've memorized all the formulas.
by Janina December 8, 2005
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When you cheat on your wife, not just once, but several times. Including bar chicks and Porn stars, screwing all without condoms, expecting to stay married after your hot, swedish, model wife finds out.
I don't care what you say Jesus, I'm bustin a Tiger!!
by Crazy68 January 11, 2010
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On going release of large amounts of gas while engaged in physical activity.
In grade school during recess I participated in a pick up game of basketball. During a full court press my buddy Dale detected that someone was Bustin Cakes.
by Max Coleman September 1, 2005
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