bad ass party sluts, every school has em. you either love em or hate em.
Dude, i hung out with the BAPS this weekend, we got hammered!
by whatbeaners October 13, 2009
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To gently and playfully. Usually on the nose, cheek or head. Bapping someone is usually done out of affection or playfulness and sometimes passive aggression.
Girlfriend: *baps you*
Boyfriend: Heyyy. Stop
Girlfriend: Pay attention to meee *baps on the nose*
Boyfriend: You're such a weirdo, stop or I'm gonna tickle you
by Alicorny~ March 6, 2018
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Cap: (The word lying but built differently) Worded in a different way.

This was invented by future astronaut, billionaire, and president twinkie.
Teacher: "Did you finish your work?"

Twinkie: "Yep"

Everyone else: "Bap"
by Twinkiehasabaldneck May 4, 2021
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Bap means cool or chill, usually used in ‘Bapping’ which can be described as ‘chilling
“Yo man I’m bapping today”
Nah bro you’re Bap for real
by XxBigNut42xX September 13, 2018
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Used as a celebration, when something exciting happens, imitates the sound of a gun.
*Jason punches James*

Simon: "Bap, Bap, Bap!"
by Jason May 23, 2003
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Driving around aimlessly with the lads. Usually at night, in a shitty car, with loud music playing.

Verb form of Bap
Joe: Hey, wanna go bapping?
Dave: Sure, id be down for a bap
by Walter_c February 23, 2021
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something bad, ugly, or unappreciated
That song was a bap lmao.
This bap ass kool-aid doesn't have any sugar in it.
by seaghanseaghan March 21, 2017
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