Aww Fek is like saying Argh fuck! just in a politer way.
Guy1: i dropped my iphone and its cracked!
guy2: aww fek! get it fixed!
guy3: aww fek! i did the same today!
everyone: aww fek!
by McBreetch July 29, 2016
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Originated in limerick Ireland , "aww wha" can be used when in agreement, shock , distain or basically in any context.
Jason"I was sickened I didn't get to go to the party the other night"
Jonathon"aww wha"

Jonathon"Those shoes are serious aren't they!?"
Keith"aww wha"
by Limerickcitykiid July 7, 2017
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A term to use when your branch or homie messes up.
P1 "did you put a fork in the microwave again?"
P2 "oops"
P1 "Aww, Branch"
by Branchsquad January 25, 2021
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Trying to get a group of people to find you cute or feels sympathy for you through mildly manipulative tactics.
Craig, after being called out in front of some hot chicks: mom died when i was young and my father is a alcoholic :(

hot chicks: poor thing :(

josh: dude, stop farming awws
by thinasadime February 12, 2021
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What an 8 year old kid says when he falls victom to a very strategically placed ketchup bomb right beside the doorway to the playground.
*Little kid circles around ketchup bomb 3 times*
Kid: Aww Man!!!
Angray Father: Thats it!!! We're going outside RIGHT NOW!!!
by Aqueas November 3, 2003
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Said with a weird tone after someone has made a retarded comment.
Brandon: I don't think i have enough bandwidth for W.O.W.
Michael: Aww shiiiiiiiiiit!
by Im not from paris November 3, 2011
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a word that you use when you are not satisfied.
i wreaked my truck.
-aww petunia.
by Brooke Wright. November 23, 2009
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