An act of someone continuously saying "YOLO".
"YOLO, right guys?" said Joe mysteriously.
"Stop saying that, Joe," said Frank, clearly annoyed.
"Don't hate on my yoloness," Joe chuckled.
by Joe The Hoe July 12, 2012
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“Yolo” is the acronym for “you only live once”. Life is short, unexpected, and full of surprise. You do not know what will happen tomorrow. Most of us want to live life to the utmost fullest, which means getting everything we can out of life.
I told my friend I was going to skydive at Half Dome. My friend was shock and she asked me, “You are going to skydive this weekend?”. I answered, “Yes. Yolo”.
by Lycsey October 4, 2016
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Popular acronym for the widely known phrase 'You Only Live Once'. People have split opinions; Some think it's a great phrase and a great motto to live by, while others think it's 'Carpe Diem' ('Seize the Day') for stupid people.

I, myself, think it's a much more useful acronym for the less known phrase 'You Obviously Love Oreos'.
Person 1: I got so drunk last night I killed my liver! YOLO!

Person 2: How does 'You Obviously Love Oreos' have anything to do with getting drunk?

Person 1: No, you don't understand. 'YOLO' means 'You Only Live Once'.

Person 2: But, isn't that the whole point of 'Carpe Diem'? Why is 'YOLO' needed?
by SmexiMexiStoleYourPepsi January 5, 2014
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the act of doing something exciting, stupid, or just anything someone feels like saying YOLO before they do it.
-Jake: "Hey Drake, are you gonna drink tonight?"

Drake: "Hell yeah, hell yeah, hell yeah!"

Jake: "You're our ride home!"

Drake: "YOLO!"

Jake: "This is not a good time for YOLOing! You need to drive us home."
by Wilb11 May 23, 2012
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dude 1: "i'm gonna go smoke poison ivy and see if my lungs get a rash. yolo!

dude 2: "why doesn't he just say carpe diem? it sounds way better.

dude 3: "stupid people don't speak latin. thats why they say yolo"
by ozball21 July 5, 2012
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