1) An individual who refuses to conform to normal activities performed by "cool" and "popular" high school crowds

2) An individual afraid to drink, abuse drugs, or have any fun outside of their computer screen.
Paige: "Why isn't she coming to your party next weekend."

Brooke: "She's a total wombat. She wouldn't be any fun if she came anyway.."
by BrooketheFox August 16, 2012
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horse manure that your cousins throw at you when you're up in a tree
by crap magnet May 25, 2003
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Religion- and gender-neutral synonym for J.A.P.. Stands for "Whiny Obnoxious Bitchy American Teenager".
The W.O.M.B.A.T. got a new BMW from Daddy, but bitched because it wasn't a convertible.
by DavidS_59 July 18, 2005
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A horny gay boy who masturbates continually and plays with his pubes during daytime hours. He has gigantic ears and works at subway and champion chicken. This boy likes grappling with men too.
Damn that wombat in champion chicken is gay.
by ed knutson June 21, 2006
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a person who hides booze in an odd place so people dont steal it. a wombatter is a person whome gathers this un protected grog and takes it for himself.
by thesou123 April 19, 2005
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A person of extreme psychotic tendancies, and an exceptionally dry sense of humour. Often highly clever, and funny although they don't mean to be. May well be a maths teacher or college student. Or both.
"Have u seen Mr. Manning recently! He's such a wombat when hez angry!"
by Jack May 25, 2003
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Acronym for Women Over Mates, Beer and Television.

A WOMBAT is a male who spends excessive time with a girlfriend, female friends, or trying to score sex. A WOMBAT is always heterosexual.

See cuntbutler and WOM too.
Sorry mate, I can't make it out tonight. I'm going to stay home and watch DVDs with Tiff.

Man, you're such a fucking WOMBAT! Come out for once!
by bucket004 May 26, 2009
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