Absolutely racist and hates all people of color and every faggot. He also likes the n word, usually Hispanic, or white, and is obsessed with gay luli hentai
Vincent: he’s such a ni-
Alejandro: ya i know right hate these darkies
by Eric Cartman pastor of Jews August 8, 2022
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A Vincent is a great friend who will stay loyal till the day you die even when you fight he will stay loyal and he’s also good with the lady’s to so keep an eye on him before a girl does.if you have a friend called Vincent he’s a keeper
I have experience with one at school and this is the true story about Vincent
by Brodie bj July 25, 2019
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That one white kid who loves Japanese cars and bikes, rides bmx, and has friends (surprisingly).

by Nopeboy January 9, 2018
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An ok looking guy who is average size he has an awesome personality and is fun to talk to all around a great guy but weird. Has a major thing for BBC and always talks about it.
I would talk to vincent but he only wants BBC.
by Candice Cake December 29, 2016
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Vincent is that one guy who's a bitch.
Like, he's a compulsive liar. Very bad. Extreme bad. He sucks.
He's probably evil too. Every character who's been named Vincent seems to be evil.
by Zafzaftheworddefiner September 30, 2019
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a cock that sucks on others because he succs at fortnite
by a vincent October 17, 2018
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Feminine male who typically likes masculine females.

Also partakes in the sexual act of pegging.
by DogsOnLean October 11, 2021
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