Maya: Eww I hate vermont.

Jen: Thats cause Vermonters are all demons.
by vermont hater November 13, 2011
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A land of magical wonder, filled with people so high that they don't realize they are actually in CANADA. Sure they have great skiing and wonderful mountain ranges, but they are fucking CANADIAN. Curling is NOT a real sport, so take your monopoly money and go buy some football cleats or something.
Person 1-Hey, have you met that chick Kelly?

Person 2-Oh, isn't she from canada?

Person 1-Ya, Vermont.
by TheAlbinoRhino September 22, 2010
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Stoners.. the coolese people ever who live in the best state ever.
Dude.. lets go get stoned...cause we are vermonters with the best stuff
by Shibby Jehinksonziski November 30, 2005
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When you want a female to send you the Vagina and Tit pic, you cordially ask her to send you the Vermont (VT).
Girl, you got me in a certain state... and I think we're ready to cross state lines... can you send the Vermont (VT)?
by Rubberdicky September 17, 2017
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While having sex in the woods doggystyle the male puts tree sap on his fingers and paints a design on the female's back. The male then comes on the sap leaving the female with a sticky work of art.
Johnny gave Bobby-Sue a Vermont Tattoo last night in the woods behind Timmy's house. It took her two hours to wash it off.
by Mr. Cletus October 1, 2010
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To aggressively scrape the bottom of a car door on the high street curbs in Vermont towns.
Andy was repeatedly Vermonting the door of our rental car on our trip to Brattleboro, VT
by Double Z September 30, 2021
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