Temporary pain and/or discomfort which occurs in and around the anus from wiping one's butt to hard and/or deep.
Mother of 3-year old child: "Why is Benny screaming?"
Father of 3-year old child: "He says his butt hurts - I think I wiped him too hard and caused some wipe trauma."
by sfdave May 26, 2010
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1. Mama Trauma is a normal state of mind for a mother, especially during the first six months of the infant's life. Evidenced by a dazed look, the eyes slightly unfocused and wide, the dark circles and bloodshot sclera. Also known as PTS, Post Trauma Syndrome. The difference is the mother is living behind the enemy's lines every day of their life for the first eighteen years.

2. Mama Trauma is an on-going humor column of edgy humor geared towards all of us who are parents. It began in 1992 and is copyrighted by HM Kalmanson

3. Mama Trauma refers to the public persona of an author who writes the Mama Trauma columns.
She was doing alright until the baby was born. Now she's got Mama Trauma.

I love reading the Mama Trauma column by HM Kalmanson.
by BA Epstein November 28, 2006
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The overwhelming shock felt after a betrayal of trust has resulted in a major drama which leaves the recipient slack-jawed and staring off in stunned disbelief. Often associated with a romantic mind-fuck.

During Drama Trauma, the recipient is rendered totally dysfunctional and incapable of reliable activity until such time as the feeling subsides which can sometimes be hours, days, or a week depending upon the severity of the inciting event.
Friend: Hey, man. We missed you at the Jam session Saturday night.

Her: What? Oh yeah. That. Sorry but I'm in total meltdown from being led-on and then screwed over by my so-called fiance. After 6 months of all that, out of the blue, he suddenly yells at me to get the F*&K out of the house. He yells that he made a mistake and he's sorry. WTF? I just can't wrap my brain around it!!?

Friend: Un-f#@&ing-real! Well, you are obviously suffering from drama trauma and going to be drooling all over yourself for awhile so no sweat with the Jam. I'll take you out and get you baked. You'll feel better!
by Zylaw November 14, 2010
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When a female cock-teases a male so badly; it can cause a severe case of trauma to the...other head!
"Man, I was at the club last night and this girl gave me some mad-head trauma!"
by Brajon November 17, 2004
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The state that arises when you are having a shit and you realise there is no toilet paper remaining or very little.

Derivative of Shit Ticket for toilet paper
Lewis rang me from the toilet the other day, suffering from some serious ticket trauma

Had to jump in the shower after a shit today, i hate ticket trauma
by Belgiannurse May 18, 2011
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when some asshole dumps a bunch of their past trauma on you. especially when it’s unexpected or at inappropriate timing.
milo just texted me this whole trauma dump for sympathy”
“no way dude trauma dumpers are the worst”
by thatgirlthatlikesgirls June 6, 2021
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Bonding over similar traumatic experiences shared while together or alone
The horrible things that we have experienced have caused us to trauma bond.
by Joewolfe August 22, 2020
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