An attractive lady who has more masculine traits rather than traditionally feminine ones, such as Being More Toned/Abs, Shorter Hair, More Athletic/Loose Clothing, or being More Blunt Ect. Ect.

AKA: P-l-e-a-s-e--K-i-c-k--T-h-e--S-h-i-t--O-u-t--O-f--M-e-
Friend 1: "Holy cow... They just introduced the MC's Childhood Friend, and she's one of my favorite new anime tomboys"
Friend 2: "Alright, give me the name of that show. I need more anime tomboy in my life."
by FamilyUnfriendly September 17, 2021
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A gay man who plays the role of a female and/or bottom in a relationship who isn't outwardly effeminate as a stereotypical "Camp Gay". Very similar to a tomboy in terms of interests/personality/style. Generally a 50/50 on if people can tell if they're gay or not due to a more masculine or unisex way of dressing and acting, yet still enough femininity to signal their preferences.
A: "Is Harry gay? He kind of comes off as it"
B: "I think Harry is a Tomboy Gay, so he likes men, he just isn't flamboyant"
by Crooked Man August 22, 2022
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Friend: I wonder what a tomboy milf is
Friend 2: a soccer mom
by TheCanadianPuffin September 19, 2021
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I pushed Vivian's legs to her ears and gave her one helluva Portland Tomboy.
by Dr. Scientist October 23, 2007
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Since tomboys are masculine women, and traps are men pretending to be women, a tomboy trap is in fact just every man in the world.
Hey, let's get the tomboy traps together and have a good ole tug and suck
by Detective Sheckles November 4, 2018
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a girl who is feminine but looks like she could beat up a dude.
She get's her hair done, nails done, makeup done.. she's a pretty girl, but her swagger on the other hand tells a different story. She handles things like she's from the hood, but looks like she stepped out of a magaine. The girl everyone thinks is mean, and is afraid to approach is pretty much a tomboy (with) lipstick.. or a tomboy lipstick.
by Full Course Meal June 2, 2006
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a woman who is a little manily but femine in private they normally wear a short hair sytle and many atheletes wants a girlfriend like this
person 1: "oh look a tomboy gf"
person 2: "oh yeah thats a tomboy gf"
by lonelyathelte December 30, 2021
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