n. 1. what you spend in jail, a jail sentence
2. a very real thing based on the movement of matter in the universe. Units of time are measured in something defined axiomatically such as the speed of light and a defined length.
1. I'll have sex with a 16 year old even if I get time for it
2. It takes a certain amount of time for a photon to travel one foot, and under the same conditions it always takes that amount of time.
by jimmy ivory April 2, 2004
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Not to be mistaken with The time, a band accompanied by Prince and one of director Kevin Smith's characters Jay and Silent Bob favorite bands.

The Times is used described as how life is going. It can be used to describe your life or how the world is doing.
Come gather round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
Youll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin
Then you better start swimmin
Or youll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin
(~ Bob Dylan, The Times They are a-changing)
by Aguyok? August 4, 2009
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Giving the time to someone means having sexual intercourse with that person.
Salinger uses this phrase quite often in his novel, The Catcher in the Rye.

"I don't think he gave that girl the time that night-but damn near."
by Amerz August 24, 2006
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The thing that no one ever seems to have enough of. An undefinable word
Derek: Man, I need more time to finish the song!

Joseph: Dude you need better time managment. Its the one thing you need to value in life.
by wifighter October 21, 2011
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A song released by Pink Floyd on their 1973 album Dark Side of the Moon.
I was listening to that song Time and got really relaxed.
by Mattyper December 4, 2005
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A long while since something was last the case.
"Wow, this placed has changed. I haven't been here for time".
by Premasagar March 21, 2005
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Very similar to spung, without the green aura.
"Damn, spung has a much greener aura than times"
by weaver October 14, 2003
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