Most people know this but it’s a name for when you have a gigantic explosive diarrhea level shite in your jorts.
John: Why are Michaels jorts brown all of a sudden?
Jimmy: Ah yes someone made him jump and he did a Jordan Peterson.
John: Ohhhh.
by Manfoetus July 17, 2023
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Proof that justice and money are synonymous in this capitalistic society.
Man, I can't kill her, I ain't got O.J. money, I got Scott Peterson money- do it yourself!
by Demetric June 27, 2005
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a type of marijuana that is so strong it will kill your lungs. Refered to the guy that killed 3 of his wives.
( Dude 1) Man i got some of that drew peterson right now, you gotta try it.
(Dude 2) Hell ya man light that shit up.
by theclockticker December 23, 2009
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tells a student to turn in work tomorrow and then proceides to take 50% off of the work. refuses to TBAG on halo. His gamertag WE GOT SIX. YO!!!!
My homework assignment has been Mr. Petersoned.
by John Materiata March 9, 2009
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a baseball coach at Randall who doesn't brush his hair and lies about having a wife.
omg I hate coach Peterson so much. he gets butt hurt over every little thing.
by bad ass you know who February 22, 2017
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Jaxon Peterson is legit the best person you will ever meet. He is so sweet. Once you meet him you will instantly fall in love. He's amazing at everything he does. He is practically perfection. He has really nice hair and his cute ass smile lights up the whole room. He makes everyone smile and everyone loves his dirty sense of humor. He is the best bf in the universe any girl would be fucking retarded to let him go. He stays up late with you and loves to facetime with you when you apart. Not only does Jaxon have a fucking amazing personality he is also hot as fuck. He is just perfect. No words can describe the love for Jaxon Peterson
C-wtf is up with Jaxon?
K-Nothing hes fucking perfect
N-Can't argue with that

Definition of Jaxon Peterson- PERFECTION
by Urdadspenis March 3, 2019
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delaney is sooooo awesome shes hot and her mom broke her foot. if you want to tell her something, tell her shes hot. if you wanna get her something buy her Chanel or a dog. shes hot.
"yo yk delaney peterson?"
"yea what about her. shes kinda hot"
"I was gonna say the same thing"
by urmommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm December 15, 2021
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