Drinking game that centers itself around someone pulling the 4th king. 2 or more people. The larger the group the better, each person sits around and takes 1 card at a time. Each card, someone has to drink something, cards will be listed in the example. If you pull a king, you must poor a portion of the drink you are drinking into the "Center Cup", the person who pulls the 4th king has to drink it all.
A-waterfall(person starts drinking, and the person to the left has to continue to drink until that person is done, and it goes full circle, basically the last person is screwed)
kings-pour shot in big cup
Q- all girls drink
J- all boys drink
10-Thumb Master(everytime this person puts his thumb on the table, everyone else has to, last person to do this, takes a drink)
9-Rhyme (make up a sentence and the next person has to have the last word rhyme, person who messes up has to drink)
8-categories (cars, movies, sports teams, make-up etc)
7-Rules (you get to make a drinking rule, my favorite consists of "pointing" or "cussing" because people do that all the time, its really funny when you point at someone and cuss at them, and then cuss because you have to drink for that, then drink some more)
6-2 people to your left drink
5-2 people to your right drink
4-pass out 2 drinks
3-pass out 2 drinks
2-social (everyone drink)
by Joel Cuthbert October 19, 2005
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An old school character from the Tekken series, he has been in every single one. It's that guy wearing a Jaguar Mask. He is a wrestler and is inspired by the Mexican Luchadores, with highflying techniques and power moves.
Kings Rolling Death Cradle is pretty damn tight
by Decca May 14, 2005
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Something great. See also "King Hussein" and "Oodly-do-do-sane".
"That wheelie was king"
by Evildix October 28, 2004
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My king, your king, we all king with King in our life.
King in my life made me great and then they make US great!
by June 7, 2018
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That Dog Demon thing from a Disney cartoon called The Owl House, in which he is one of the main characters.
Girl: oh King is so cute!
Boy: King wears a skull, he's edgy. I like being an edgelord. He has my respect.
by Gamsung Salaxy May 20, 2020
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a heart broken girl who has been through so much breakups but still gets into numerous relationships hoping to find someone who would love her despite her flaws and imperfections.
This kingness wanted to marry Terry, but he showed no interest in her.
by Kingness February 26, 2016
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A word used generally in exclaimation when something or someone is very very good.
Going back to year 11...
Random: Outward Bound is over in 2 days!
Everyone else: KING!
by Lii August 13, 2005
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