The president of the confederacy, who was a democrat who was president of the south during the civil war.
The democrat president Jefferson Davis
by Dalerebel45 February 22, 2020
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This is the greatest bane of all time. They make me feel great inside, you don't even need drugs.
by Gabe March 18, 2005
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A white male receiving oral sex from a black female.
I heard Thomas Jefferson got a Thomas Jefferson from Sally Hemmings!
by jordanshithead January 29, 2011
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The act of taking a fat deuce in a bowl and putting it in the microwave to the point of liquidation. After this is done the warm liquid poop is rubbed on the victim.
My mom took away fortnite so I gave her a big ol steamy jefferson.
by Abore shawn December 19, 2018
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American sergeant. Har drept mange folk med machete men ikke med bæsj i magen.
Hater sondrey. Ex lover: berit luremus
Paul jefferson er en handsome man med en great belly og amerikan
by JEgerkul1291269 November 29, 2021
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n. Circa the 1940s and '50s, a term for a roach-holder fashioned from a matchbook cover.
Wow...gramps smokes pot? and whats that...why... its a Jefferson Airplane!!!
by callinghome November 2, 2004
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Someone who wrote the following: when in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Indipendence.
by Mr. Awesome II June 29, 2015
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