when you're musically alone (..sighsigh)
Indie Kid: Yey! This song by Blur is great?
Anybody else: ...Bl..who?
I.K. Blur!...I mean one of the best bands in the world...come on!Blur!Damon Albarn...Dan Abnormal...come on!....
A.e. ah?
I.K. ....oh, -the whoo hoo song-
A.e. yey!whoo hoo!great song really...then, have you heard the last avril lavigne song? she really rocks!
I.K. Oh,fuck
by DaisyBell(I.K.) February 15, 2005
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Indie started out as being an individualist (hence the name indie), wearing what you want and listening to what you like (but mostly unheard of or obscure bands) but now has become more of a fashion which some people like and others do not.
British Indie is sort of a mix between mod and punk. The style of a mod and the attitude of a punk. The music listend to is the smiths, blur,the cure and bands which are heavily influenced (by agian, mod and punk bands) like the libertines, the others, the cribs, the coral, the paddingtons and bloc party amoungsed many others.
dad: Who do you think you are? Paul Weller?
mum: No, he thinks he's Joe Strummer!
gran: look at ya with ya scruffy jeans and messy hair. in my day you'd get a good sound thrashing if you went out like that!
by Hey Scenesters! June 1, 2005
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Used to describe a style of subculture for those closely associated with indie music. Indie people generally:

Listen to: Arcade Fire, tilly on the wall, tokyo police club, bishop allen, tv on the radio, The Ting Tings, Bright Eyes, cold war kids, The faint, ghostland observatory, of montreal, Interpol, bloc party... as a general rule, if its from the UK its usually pretty good. \Also they get disinterested as soon as a band gets big and signs with a major record label (examples - death cab for cutie, modest mouse, Franz Ferdinand, the killers, the strokes, arctic monkeys)

Wear: converse shoes, stripes, band shirts, vintage clothing, leather jackets, tight fitting jeans, messenger bags, thick rimmed glasses,

Eat: organic wraps, vegan foods, coffee

own: flight of the Concords on dvd, Donnie Darko, the science of sleep, fight club, garden state, microKORG, vintage record player, acoustic guitar, tambourine.

regular dude - Hey you wanna come with me to the maroon 5 concert this Friday?

Indie Kid - no thanks, I would rather stay at home and paint while listening to fleet foxes.
by JosieJO April 13, 2009
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Abbreviated name for the city of Indianapolis, Indiana. The other nicknames for this city include The Circle City and I-Town. Indy is a large metropolis of roughly 780,000 people of all ethnicities and races, including Hispanics and Native Americans}. This is also the term used for a popular national racing event: The Indy 500.
Indy is home to The Colts, the Indy 500, the Indiana Pacers, IU, IUPUI, Vivica A. Fox, David Letterman, and 23rd President Benjamin Harrison.
by The Loyal Bush Legionary December 12, 2004
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Indie is just another trend, like anything else. Its the bastard child of emo. How to be indie - read pitchfork every single day, pretend to be into many genres of music, talk about bands as convoluded as you possible can, constantly try and find some obscure peice of music that nobody else has, say that its not as good as thier old stuff about every new album by any band that has a previous release, conform to the artistic nuancues within - its a bit like dada, read existentialist literature, wear blazers scarves, tight pants, "cool" artsy tshirts, pretend like you are not just part of another group by claiming complete originality, live in a slummy apartment, be "spontaneous" and "random", make shitty electronic music with your laptop and synthesizer, drink vitamin water all the time, smoke cigarettes, be super choosy about friends and pretend like indie people are the only "real" people, dont forget, you are totally original!
Lamer 1:Hey, did you get the new autechre?

Lamer 2:uuuuh - yeah! its not as good as thier old stuff.

Lamer 1:fuck you there isnt a new autechre - youre not indie anymore

Lamer 2:omg i wanna die nobody likes me! - i wish there was a place that could tell me how to be hippest all the time!

by dingus malingus April 8, 2006
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People with their own style, particularly one that is criticized by others. They generally like Indie Rock music, and wear a lot of little kid's jewellery. They like to wear obscure things like coloured tights, fairy wings and things that are either far too big or far too small. They have or want wacky hairstyles and the second something goes out of fashion they claim it as their own. They rock!
FAMOUS EXAMPLES: Brian Molko (Placebo), Scissor Sisters.
by clover December 20, 2004
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a label that people just don't understand that fucking concept of.
"indies" tend to dress in plaid flannels, wear thick rimmed glasses, any "vintage" band tees, bandanas, ray bans, converse, etc etc.
although they strive to stand out & not follow trends, they usually turn out to look just like every other "indie kid" out there, much like emos, scenes, etc..
individual doesn't mean go out there and dress in vintage clothes, it means to do what YOU want do. not to do what OTHERS don't do. most people who claim to be indies try way too hard to not be like others. long story short, a true individual is open to things and doesn't try to be anything, just do or dress whatever way they want.
'Indie' kid: yeah i went to Urban Outfitters, i'm soooo indie!
True individual: oh their clothes are pretty cute. how is it indie?
'Indie' kid: because no one shops there and im sooo original for wearing their clothes.
True individual: haha a lot of people shop there ya'know..
'Indie' kid: fuck.

True individual: huh, Green Day isn't too bad...
'Indie' kid: uuggghhh i hate them!
True individual: what's wrong with 'em?
'Indie' kid: too much people listem to them {indie kid bitches for hours about how it's "unoriginal" and tries to sound like a genius}
True individual: ha, so you won't give it a chance just because people listen to them?
'Indie' kid: Exactly.
True individual: uh, just because some bands don't have many listeners doesn't mean their automatically musical geniuses...
'Indie' kid: *blank stare* {in her head she's panicing because she just got outsmarted}
True individual: mhm...
by idontreallygiveafuck July 13, 2010
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