if there is a coffee maker, it means there is a coffee destoryer. but only in legends is it said to exist
by rubythecatgirl October 3, 2018
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Grognak the Destroyer is a real life person that is friends with Joseph Stalin. He eats a lot of fucking bread. He is a strong believer in communism. He is also diagnosed with severe Amnosia. Grognak is an idiot that is a severe hazard to those around them even though their intentions are not hostile. Please be cautious when near Grognak. They have the ability to stomp an entire village. They also have a 10 foot vertical leap.
Grognak the Destroyer
by Grognak-the-Destroyer October 15, 2020
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Often a very angry young man exhibiting a mohawk.

It is very important to note that Destroyer of Worlds or "DoW"s are fond of drugs, sex and loud music.
Have you seen that Destroyer of Worlds?

Yes, he installs fear into my soul with a single glance.
by officiallydead July 29, 2009
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A Delaware Destroyer is where you order one bourbon, one scotch, one beer at the bar and pound them back-to-back-to-back in honor of John Lee Hooker, and more popularly, George Thorogood and The Delaware Destroyers.
I was at the bar last night and my boy made me do a Delaware Destroyer. I did it then blacked out, man that was awesome!
by STDC September 9, 2009
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An absolute queen who knows EXACTLY what to do with that cock until it finishes. She's super confident about her skills, and loves to flaunt her bootylicious body.
Max - ugh I'm so tired. My girlfriend's an absolute cock destroyer gah
by glitterglamsparkles October 10, 2019
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A dick to be proud of. A nice sized pussy slaying man dick. Just the right size to tear some walls and get some moans.
Ryan docked his vagina destroyer in Pussy Bay.

Ryan destroyed japan's pussy with his vagina destroyer.

Vagina destroyer bring tsunami!
by Rquad439 June 27, 2012
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