Home to chick-fil-a "special sauce", and 2 super wal-marts. where all the military people live that work in either Daulgren or Quantico b/c its close to both and anything north of it is to expensive to live in. Home to two of the " 2002 sniper shootings". o, and snow, Lemme put it this way, last year we had a chance of snow and got out of school.
F-burg, A slang, or conjuctionated word made up by the inhabitants of Fredericksburg, VA so they didnt have to write out the whole word on letterheads anymore.
by molnicmit October 2, 2005
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Any person that looks like a future sex offender or someone that should be on some form of police list. He can usually be found prowling the streets looking for victims and has a penis far larger than average. his parents are thought to be gimps belonging to scott murray.
woah that guy is a complete elliot burge
yeh, complete kiddly fiddler that guy
by scottmurkemdownz May 28, 2009
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a word used to describe how fucking boring and gross Pittsburg is. full of faggots that don't like philadelphia because they think it's "ghetto", but really, it's because they're jealous that philadelphia always is stealing their thunder.
person 1: pittsburg is boring as shit
person 2: you mean armpit burg?
person 1: yeah! come on let's go to philadelphia!
by hiphophead293847 November 26, 2009
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A very hot guy that is really good at rugby and a really hot model
Who was that hot guy that was really good at rugby oh the was Hugo burg
by July 1, 2021
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v. To have a threesome including two or more women sandwiching the third man/woman in between them. See also burg
My hot girlfriend and I want to she-burg you all night long.
by G Particle & Mushroom Slice February 18, 2007
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Chillin out smoking a blunt in Middleburg Florida
Me and Corbinskie our her boolin in the burg
by I just want a sucky. January 22, 2019
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Burg boys are the most Annoying and Gayest guys you can possibly surround yourself with. Their favorite activities consist of....smoking, Juuling, drinking, trying to get pussy, shit talking and acting like fucking ding dongs. These boys are very rare to find out of the St.Petersburg area. If you are trying to spot a few just go downtown to Rollbotto on a Friday or Saturday night about 6:30 to 9:00 and you’re sure to find some and also make sure your juul is in your pocket/bra so they won’t ask for a hit. If your juul is exposed to the eyes of them they will say “yo let me have a hit ” say NO and if you don’t say NO say sayonara to your pod. They are very easy to spot just look for a queer group of guys looking like they want to fuck each other in the ass and that’s when you know you found them.
:hey bro look at those burg boys over there!
;Bro all I see are guys sucking each other off:/
by Watermelondick December 2, 2018
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