a male, man; the opposite of female, woman.
by Pocahontas April 8, 2005
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The biggest, pithiest, bullshittest excuse for male behavior that is otherwise legally/morally unacceptable from birth to the grave. Covers socially perverse actions that no girl could ever get away with without the label to the effect of "weird/evil" or "whore", i.e. like fighting, having promiscuous sex, cruelty to people and animals, or any behavior combining selfishness and aggression.
Teacher 1: Last week, one of my students mooned the class. When I called his father, he apologized, laughed and said "Boys will be boys."
Teacher 2: True enough.
Teacher 1: A few days later, his daughter did the same thing. He came down, mortified, and spanked her right in the principal's office.
Teacher 2: Sounds fair.
by bitteryoungwoman April 7, 2009
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The police. Frequently two male police officers patrol together.
B: "Is that the boys?"
D: "I'll put out the blunt"
B: "False Alarm"
by freekyzeek December 20, 2006
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The boys are a group of male individuals that tell jokes, do cool stuff and make dumb fucking decisions.
During the month of November, if any boy decides to masturbate , he shall be executed.
If any boy is caught simping, he will be put in a high vigilance prison and be tortured.
“The boys are epic
-João Cavaca
by João Cavaca December 25, 2020
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the most wonderful things on earth... espesically the sweet ones... and the cute ones... they sometimes turn though and become meanies that make you cry
girl1:oohhh look at those boys over there
girl2: ohh theyre soooo cute... :)
by blondie4495 December 12, 2010
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A male under the age of eighteen.
by Midnight G. Estes December 15, 2003
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Wow, you knocked that bitch up your first time banging her! Your boys must be potent.
by alex1010 April 16, 2009
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