what's the tag on that zip?
by Bkshots February 7, 2012
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Girl: *walking out of detention* uuurgh i hate that cow!!
Boy: Tell me about it!
Girls: TAG
by Satan with a Perm May 4, 2010
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v. "Tagging" is the act of delivering a quick, sharp, blow to the scrotum. A well placed tag will leave the victim rolling on the ground, clenching his testicles in agony, possobly even vomiting.

Beleive it or not, some people find the pastime of tagging entertaining.
I was just standing there minding my own buissiness, when wouldn't you know it, he comes up from behind and tags me!
by JakeStar April 29, 2005
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a signature, usually a nickname either chosen by the writer or given by friends
did you see that wack keenur tag?
by graffiti writer t July 11, 2008
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An acronym for "turf art graffiti."
Gang members will "tag" the outside of permanent fixtures such as the walls of buildings, outside doors, fences, phone booths, etc. to show ownership of where they hang, i.e. their turf.
by Aiden Hawnt July 27, 2006
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used to make ties between different words on UD. As of 9/21/2005, atleast five per each word are required.
Tags to this word are antonym, synonym, definition, ant., syn., and def..
by Victor Van Styn September 23, 2005
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