By far the coolest name ever known to man. To this day, this name conquers all others, especially the name steve. If you were born with the name Jesse, you are in line for a lifetime of riches, women, and fame. Not to mention you are a SEX god. All women want to be with you to experience your incredible sex
Wow look how awesome Jesse is, he would not be awesome if his name was Steve.
by the one117733 October 23, 2009
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This is a girl with some real bad-ass qualities. She is normaly small, with varying shades of brown hair, and is what anyone would call a small warrior. A Jess can act sweet, but has the ability to do anything. She'l lie to her study group manager, her boss, lecturer, or practicly anyone and they will believe her. The name Jess is common, but her character is very unpridictable, just like her mood. She can go from angry, to happy, to screaming out bloody murder. It just doesn't matter to her. A Jess will not mix with an loud, mouthy people, or any of the popular crowd. Anything that they say to her she will ignore, or take it in a good way. She can allways make a smart-arse comment but doesn't use comebacks, so she'l either be rude or pick a fight with whoever said one. She's intelligent and fast thinking, but people sometimes take the piss out of her for it. Jess will play computer games, or be out doors, or be shopping, but will always have an explanation for what she does.
Random Girl: OMG i just saw Jess in the forest

Even more random girl: well dur, dumbass, she has to for her d of e

Random Girl: You do realise that she doesn't do a d of e, right?

Even more random girl: No, but that's what she said she was doing
by Kaya The Beast April 18, 2013
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Kiersten : Chad where are you at you were supposed to stop by my place on your way home and fuck me?
Chad : Sorry I ran into Jess at the market and she wanted to try out these new condom's with extra ribs on them!
Kiersten : WHAT!!!!
by SlopNChop December 6, 2016
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A deep romantic with astonishingly beautiful eyes, a man named Jesse will be a wonderfully caring individual who tends to put others needs above his own.
I love you, Jesse.
by your lovely wife February 2, 2010
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Litteral Meaning- God exists.

Anyone named Jesse will never die a virgin. '

A very manly man.
by JesseJJJ November 30, 2007
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The absolute best, funniest, deepest and most caring person on Earth, and yes, although many Jess' may read this, I am talking about one specific Jess. YOU are the greatest person I have ever known, Jess.
Wow, I love Jess so much! She's so funny and gorgeous and I wish we could hang out more!
by Ilovethepersonreadingthis October 7, 2019
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Name given at birth to children who are special. Be it that they like to play with boats in their front yard, or maybe they like to travel across the country....a boy with this name is never one of the crowd.
No! Go for it girl! He's a Jesse.
by Vanessa McHatin November 7, 2010
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