A valediction which has come to mean "be cool," but which more properly understood is an admonishment to stay alert and on one's toes. See the quote below for the pop culture origin.
"Hey! I know we're all in strung out shape but stay frosty and alert. We can't afford to let one of those bastards in here."

--Corporal Hicks (Michael Biehn), in Aliens (1986)
by thetaphile July 6, 2006
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Instead of going somewhere for vacation (vay-cay) when you have time off, you stay where you are (stay-cay) and do the local scene.
Friend: "Man, I'm really up Shit Creek without a paddle."
You: "Yeah, I had a stay-cay there this past summer."
by Flowernerd February 25, 2012
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Living the gift god has gave you to the best ways possible by staying positive and not letting hurtful or upsetting actions and words affect you but also making the world around you a better place
by Xkatyrulesx November 18, 2017
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You're amazing and beautiful. Even on those days when you feel like you just can't keep going - keep going, because things will change. A day, a week, a month, a year, even a decade from now, you'll be thankful you persisted. Stay strong and always have hope! Even if people are upsetting you, if society is disappointing you, if you're having a bad day, or anything really, remember you're not alone. There's people out there who feel like you. Sounds super cliché, but seriously... never give up! :) And also... this is overused too, but be yourself - never try to be someone else (speaking from personal experience here). Because there is nothing more beautiful than someone who is their authentic, true self.
stay strong!!!!!!
"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."
-Harriet Beecher Stowe
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
-Aristotle Onassis
by happy100 April 15, 2015
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a statement of encouragement and parting, usually given from one metalhead to another
"Oh hey man, I gotta go, Dying Fetus is about to take the stage. Stay metal, bro!"
by xynobia August 14, 2008
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Making ones self almost ejaculate but completely stopping just before you actually climax. Wait 20-30 seconds and continue. Perform this process 4-12 times for maximum pleasure and then when one finally ejaculates, the nut has an incredible mass.

This process is usually performed during wanking but can be adapted in sexual inter course.
“Staying on the edge” insures the most orgasmic orgasm possible.
by Grant Hansen August 26, 2018
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Means to stay focused or on track when there are distractions or danger about. Can be used when talking to yourself and also when helping others. From Star Wars, where they assault the Death Star and they are in the trench run and one guy is bitching about it being too close and he wants to pull out and the other dude is like "stay on target, stay on targettttttt".
1. Ray: Dude I don't know about this dare to shit on her car, it's too busy, we could get caught.

Frank: Stay on target, stay on targettttt!

2. While biking down a hill Frank is thinking to himself I am going too fast I could injure myself. So he screams out to help him focus and gee himself up "stay on target, stay on targetttttt!".
by FRA$ER April 4, 2008
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