A name of wonders and interest.Skye is also very weird and stupid She acts shy in some places but loud to friends.She is one of the people you should keep love and care for for ever!
Guy 1:Hey have you heard of Skye

Girl 1:Yeah I heard she’s so nice
Guy 2:We should be her friends

Girl 2:Totally!
by CuteDoggy56 November 28, 2019
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she's so fucking hot holy shit im acc obsessed with her.
(Boy 1) - is that Skye?
(Boy 2) - Holy shit yes it is, she just got out of a relationship and is looking more fine than ever. I'm tryna slide with that!!
by poooooooooooooooopy April 22, 2022
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The word Skye is the definition of someone who you can trust, hold closely and cherish for the rest of your life. If you ever meet someone with the name Skye never let them go and keep them close. Skye will be the one who will protect you and fight for you. All though she has some of the worst sense of humour sometimes...She is really a talented person who you'll love.
Classmate:Did you hear Skye singing in the bathroom the other day?
Classmate:Yes...She really is talented.
by ehyp December 15, 2020
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An amazing girl. Kind, beautiful, smart, funny, perfect. If you have a skye, you are the luckiest person alive. Breaking up with a skye would be the worst decision of your life, don’t even consider it. You will regret it forever, they are amazing. Be kind to a skye and treat her like the goddess she is.
Person 1: damn bruh your gf is a skye? I wish I had a skye
Person 2: yep, she’s pretty great alright. You should get yourself a skye.
by haha I have a skye December 1, 2021
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Starts of as a great friend who you can talk to no matter what then when you try to look out for her she turns into a complete bitch even when you try to apoligize
love you skye jk i wish you didnt hate me
by EatonA7X November 28, 2012
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a guy who likes his name to be related to porn stars.
whos that?
thats skye..
oh the male porn star?
he wishes..
by his bestt frienddd February 1, 2009
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a fucking idiot whos a failure in everything they do including school because theyre a dumb crackhead that has a body shape of a fucking pumpkin. go fuck urself skye take a shower you smell like shit.
ew wtf is skye doing here she has no fucking friends and tries to fit in with people but no one likes her cause shes a dumb whore
by bruh poop haha stinky November 1, 2019
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