1.to be played by someone

2.to be drawn by someone
1.that bitch sketched me by blocking my sn and ignoring my calls.
2. someone drew me on some paper

I like #1 because that is what happend to me
by Kingman February 4, 2005
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Noun, person in authority or power such as a teacher, parent or cop. Primarily used in Ireland by kids for any person in authority, to be avoided in order to avoid being busted.

Sometimes sketchers.

No plural, always remains in the singular. Similar usage to 'The Man'(in society) always being used in the singular, even if it refers to multiple people.
We were right in the middle of the prank when John said Sketch was coming, so we just stopped and ran off.

We were smoking some hash at the back of the school when Mike yelled sketch, so we stamped out the, joint and skedadelled.

In some cases the word sketch itself is enough to tell people to stop what theyre doing and even run away if necessary.
by Stephen F September 27, 2007
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1. Wilson*, Mo*, Rebecca*

2. People who stalk others on facebook.

*all fictional names, they are not actually real people.

KEVIN'S FACEBOOK STATUS: "Kevin is struggling"
OUR COMMENT: "With what?... Maybe we can help."

"Dude, why are you sketching on my profile?!"

"Wow that is soo sketch"

*This is only an example, not a real situation.
by REBILMO! April 13, 2009
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A person, usually going by the name Dave Langstaff, who produces extraordinarily large quantities of sketchdom and sketcholiticalities throughout his surroundings.
"It was just me, Sol, Rob and Sketch."
"Who's Sketch?"
by deemer December 5, 2006
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mainly used in an art lesson. replaces the inadiquite word 'safe'
for example,
"man dat painting is bare sketch"
by idontlikeartreally May 17, 2005
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a word used in reference to a boy who is acting like a fool usually after a physical connection has taken place. this boy also jumps to conclusions and thinks he's a badass
girl 1: why arent you talking to him
girl 2: he wont even look at me
girl 1: he's fucking sketch f'real
by lORE_&_BRi December 26, 2008
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