To shred , shred - ding.
1. (footbag lingo) The act of playing footbag.

see "footbag"
-To shred.
"Ey! Let's shred a little before heading out.".
"Look at me mah, I'm shredding with my footbag".
by Mathieu Latulippe April 23, 2008
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shredding, shredded or shred
1. partying at the most varsity level
2. bizness time with someone
3. to act w/ enthusiasm and vigor

ORIGIN Ugly's, Mt. View, CA; San Francisco
"We shredded the 993 so hard it was lights out for months."

"He's cute, I'm SO gonna shred him."

"Whatever you do, keep shredding!"

"Huey Lewis SHREDS."

"We were shredding so hard we were SNORTING the whiskey."
by Sweetteets January 21, 2009
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I have to go take a shred.

I shredded all over the bathroom
by jRo January 10, 2004
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Windsurfing in gnarly winds/during a small craft advisory on a shortboard with mad skills. Can include straight out speed, wave riding, or freestyle.
"I was shredding hardcore in these 25+ mph winds"
by St. Marys Windsurfing October 19, 2006
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The act of one man fucking another man in the ass, while listening to "Blinded by the light."

*Blinded by the light,*
*wrapped up like a dousche in the middle of the night.*
*I was blinded by the light.*
Yo man those faggots were probably shredding all night.
by Dyll October 11, 2006
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To makeout, kiss, or fondle; Any close or intimate contact between two people that ranges from holding hands to sex. Includes kissing, grinding, fellatio, cunnilingus, and 69. However, shredding may or may not include hugging.
Dude, don't go in Tom's room. He's totally shredding with Marissa.
by Adrian Saunders March 9, 2008
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The act of one man fucking another man in the ass, while listening to "Blinded by the light."

*Blinded by the light,*
*wrapped up like a dousche in the middle of the night.*
*I was blinded by the light.*
Yo man those faggots were probably shredding all night.
by Dyll October 11, 2006
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