Extremely under the effects of the ganj.
Woah..dude..i'm so post right now.
by SOBP January 17, 2008
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The name of a bar in Geneva, Cornavain, which is dominated by La Chataigneraie students.

origin of name: Post where one hangs out with ones friends. Or original meeting place.
Fred: yo james what you up to tonight?

James: I think i'm just going to go and hang out by Post...

Fred: Can you get das boot at Post?

James: No, sorry, you need to go to das bar for that...
by ecolin October 23, 2009
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A myspace-goer who posts many pointless bullitons in order to get attention. Many times they are requesting picture comments.
"I really like Danny, but he is such a post-it."
by Kiku March 30, 2007
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{verb} -- To:
jott\write-down something onto a 'Post-it-Note' or lookalike. Can be either transitive{having a direct object} or intransitive{*not* having a d.o.}.
In English 9, I have to Post questions and whatnot on little stickies on the current book we are reading, 'The Secret Life of Bees': at least five per alotted reading(usually a chapter, sometimes two), with bonus points for more. Easy-peasy. But bothersome nonetheless.

When you find something to Post, go ahead ’nd Post. . . it...
by Victor Van Styn October 16, 2005
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To stand outside a coveniance store, asking people to buy you cigz, cigars or anything you need to be over 18 to get
1.Hey can you post for me today and get me a dutch?

2. I posted for you last week, its your turn now

by JRoll September 5, 2006
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When used in the noun sense, refers to a piece of writing, or other media like video and photographs, submitted onto an online platform, like social media, a blog, or a forum.

On certain sites like Reddit, Instagram, and Facebook, it is a single piece of media, and any replies to it are referred as comments.

On Twitter and 4chan, all replies and single pieces of media can be called posts.

Also known as a "thread".
"Dude, did you see my friend's post the other day? It was hilarious!"
by CirclejerkMaster69 March 3, 2022
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I know someone who has a 3 post-it note penis.

1 post it = 2 inches
by x1xKissMyEyesx4x November 16, 2007
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