When you wrap your Dick in bacon and nail a girl then when you finish she eats the bacon.
Jim gave his girl the porky pig because she likes bacon everywhere.
by dicken's cider February 4, 2014
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Derived as a fusion from the words "awkward" and "pork", Awky Porky is an all encompassing term that describes weird/uncomfortably/awkward moment either in the lead up to, during, or immediately after sex
"dude, we were getting it on, and everything was going great until he asked me if i had a 'wet pussy', which so gross I just totally turned off..awky porky!"

"so while we were screwing, I realized he had photos of his parents and his ex girlfriend pasted all over his walls, it made for a totally awky porky!"
by kleerly November 29, 2009
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He is really funny, has a adorable smile, a awesome hugger, nice, a skateboarder, cute,
by Mis. Porky pine April 9, 2017
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During the act of cunnilingus: the giver makes the noise “bi-duh, bi-duh, bi-duh” until the receiver climaxes then states “That’s all folks!”
When Griffin Porky pigged me I knew I had to marry him.
by GlassShrimp June 17, 2020
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Having sex with upper clothes on but no pants.
Dude the kids can wake up at any moment, so we need to porky pig it.
by Bitches are real February 14, 2016
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When you aren't sure about the spelling of a word and may even have it so badly misspelled that even a spell checker can't figure out what you mean, so you use a synonym that you can spell.
Sometimes it is nesicary.., nessicary.., necisary.., nessicarey..,Sometimes it is required that you rely on spell check when you don't know how to spell a word.

Sometimes I have to porky pig "necessary"; I can't spell it to save my life and usually I
by 1337ninjer July 11, 2012
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