Immediately after you pour gravy down your girl or guy’s throat, smack the back of his or her head and make it come out his/her nose. See Angry Dragon but with gravy.
After the meal I gave my girl a real Plymouth Thanksgiving and she wouldn’t speak to me for a week!
by Velvet Phoenix December 26, 2018
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Plymouth Rock Day is the 2nd Monday in February when all females are required to give blowjobs before 2pm or be punched in the face. Originates from a whore named Plymouth who loved to give blowjobs, often being rewarded with phrases like "Wow Plymouth, you rock!"
Can't wait for Plymouth Rock Day. Hope I don't get that snaggle toothed bitch again
by robertisafaggot February 9, 2015
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It's like a 4 cylinder on its last limp. The damn thing squeaks on every turn and the engine is no more practical than a lawn mower. It's like overworked and hot by the time you get to the grocery store. I maintain it properly and it's just junk. It makes me hate how America sold stuff like this. Not only that, but this crap car has been made under three different names, such as the dodge stratus and Chrysler cirrus. Pretty much Every 4 cylinder in another country is ten times better and more trustworthy. Me and my buddy call it a drymouth cheese.
"It's like an upgrade from the Neon" when the dumb blonde bought a junky white 1998 Plymouth breeze.
by Porsche 924s October 6, 2013
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A phenomenon common in coastal regions where a pattern of cloud building just inland with clear skies out to sea can divide a major city in two for hours, with one half in constant sunshine and one half in constant shade. First noticed in Plymouth.

Can also refer to fog related microclimates where the coast of, say LA may be under chilly thick fog but a few blocks inland basks in warm sunshine.
Lets walk down the coast a bit first. Its Plymouthed Sun around here!
by mids99 March 14, 2010
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Plymouth middle school is a horrible place to send your children. Most of the teachers breaths smell like coffee and cigarettes (with the exception of a few) The water tastes like blood and we aren’t even allowed to use the locker rooms. It stinks and so does almost everyone there
by popeyesandwhich November 24, 2019
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A fat pubic forehead who thinks he's fresh because he owns a pair of nike's; Has a head the size of a piano and instant messages people 76986750795687 a day, so don't give him ur screen name.. Has timber legs and a jew fro'd flat top..
wow don't be sucH a plymouth neck, FICUS!!!!!



by phalidamite April 4, 2009
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Alright, I'm a student here. I'm gonna give a serious definition for this godforsaken hellhole. This place is poison. I can't put into words how much trauma and pain I've experienced here. The people are assholes and have no morality or tolerance except for "Jesus is cool and if you don't like him you're gonna die a terrible death and regret being not Christian for the rest of your life". The class program is a joke, with 7th graders only having 5 electives and only getting to choose 2. Every class you take somehow turns into a Bible lecture no matter what subject. Almost all of the people that go here are awful people and only care about "being the best Christian I can be". I'm going to take a minute to say that not ALL of the school is terrible, some teachers have a sense of humor and actually try to educate you on something other than God and Jesus or whatever. I want to say at least some of the kids know what the word 'tolerance' means, but that's a bit of a stretch. This school houses, creates and encourages the stereotype of (white) insane Christians who hurt other people who aren't (white) like minded-Christians. Again, I can't stress enough how intolerant the people here are towards others who have a different faith or lifestyle. This school is just an expensive prison. If you want to use "Plymouth Christian Academy" in a sentence, DON'T. Find a similar word, like "hell" or "pain", or even "death-inducing traumatic prison". Please, I beg of you, stay away.
"Oh yeah, Zoey goes to Plymouth Christian Academy."
"Oh, that poor girl. I hope she escapes someday."
by @ch7@ July 13, 2023
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