He doesn't swim, he beats the water untill it takes him where he wants to go.
you take me there right now, or ill go all michael phelps on you!
by dgoswimmergirl December 27, 2010
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A self-proclaimed "Reverend" who is the patriarch of a family in inbred dolts who call themselves "The Westboro Baptist Church." They protest at funerals of gay people, solidiers, and celebrities, claiming that the decesed his rotting in hell, and was a "fag". Their aim is to destroy the first amendment by taking it to such an ugly extreme, and to destroy people's view of religeon/church/God/etc.
In 1929, Fred Phelps' mom sodomized her brother (Fred's dad) with a strapon dildo. Nine months later, he took a shit and forgot to flush, they named it "Fred Phelps".

Why dosn't Fred Phelps hurry up and die. I'm anxious to protest at his funeral.
by MarcusDude April 8, 2013
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He is born from an embryo of special merman that was wiped off the planet due to George Bush's(the senior) secret extermination service. He is the last of his kind and upon seeing the young merman Bush Sr. saw the possibilities of using him in the Olympics. Thus he was placed in a laboratory and was field tested every day by the best scientists the U.S.A. can conduct. They erased his past (alas Eternal Sunshine to the Spotless Mind) and named him Micheal Phelps
the last merman, Micheal Phelps and ruler of the seas.
by poseiden69 August 17, 2008
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A well known, devout Christian who sincerly belives that George carlin(RIP) is in hell.
"Hello, I'm fred phelps, and I'm here to tell you that George carlin is in hell. It is irrelevant that George made many people laugh, and brought joy to their hearts, he is in hell because he toyed with the perposterous idea of god"
by |WTF| January 12, 2009
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verb: to Fred Phelps; the act of farting during anal sex, specifically by the person who's anus is being used for the sex.

not to be confused with the verb to phelps (finishing a joint or bowl in under a minute) it is derived from the name of notorious bigot and head of the Westboro baptist church, Fred Phelps.
hey bro how'd your date with that dude go?

it was going well untill i started fucking him in the ass, he Fred Phelpsed all over my dick!

thatsucks man
by pipelinewill September 22, 2011
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A conservative shit who hates the world, and especially gays.
From Topeka Kansas, basically shows up at funerals with hate signs.
Did you see the news?
oh, yeah, just that Fred Phelps guy being a dick again.
by sirlalalar April 6, 2011
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Guy 1: Hey man, wanna go for a swim?
Guy 2: No way, you know I hate swimming.
Guy 1: Just Phelps Phreestyle it'll make the pool more enjoyable and you'll swim so much faster
Guy 2: Sounds good, go get the bong!
by thelizardking307 February 17, 2009
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