OG means old guy or old grampa
Man that dude looks og.
Dude your dad is such an og.
by Alpha Fire March 17, 2019
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"Old Girl" or "Old Girls".

Mostly in girl geek circles used to say doing something the old way (how the girl geeks did it) or talking about older geek woman/women.
"We should try and save this show the OG way."
"There is a lot of OG Star Trek fans here."
by silvercatmon May 29, 2023
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It's a synonim for good
Do you want something? No thanks, I'm oged.
by Floldude April 29, 2013
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Obama Groupie Syndrome: a disorder in which a person finds the excessive need to refer to Obama at every possible occassion, whether it makes sense in the conversation or not
Person 1: That was a really good joke so and so told today

Person 2: I'm so proud of how far America has come, Obama made history

Person 1: ...

Person 2 (under breath): Obama

Person 1: Someone has a case of OGS
by jcmna February 25, 2009
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The feeling of massive anger and an intense feeling of trigger. Like when ur seconds away from flipping out on everyone and morphing into the hulk
“My understudy thinks he’s going on today for the show! I’m about to oge out”
by TheOgeMonster November 20, 2017
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Original or Old Gangsta,
You have to be in a gang
Have a rep
And have been to jail or killed someone
"I'm back from the slammer striaght up OG now!"
by Shaw Shank December 24, 2005
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