Usually a girl that is black

Lol lil brown sharpie
Nay nay usually at the end of a name
by Naynay1104 January 8, 2018
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used to explain the act of smoking of as a word for flower smoke burn
"yo dude you trynna nay?"
"yea bro im down bro!"
by martyg123 September 21, 2018
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Shuh nay nay is a woman who is always present when you need something really bad ... like a drivers license or VA assistance. Shuh nay nay usually makes 20 -30 dollars an hour and has an extra wide ass.
"Damn ... had to go down to the IRS today about my return and SON OF A BITCH !!! Shuh nay nay had me fill out forms for 45 minutes while she glossed her finger nails. Then she told me I filled out the wrong ones and said 'Oh HELL No ... you stupid.' ... Shuh nay nay gives ZERO fucks."
by Mad Honky August 15, 2014
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an amazing banana with a great personality. It can be stretched and pulled. Please enjoy your buh nay nay.
Girl: I just got a buh nay nay!

Boy: cool!
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strangely ryhmes with GAY
damn that gay nay is homosexual
by nay October 30, 2003
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