"Member Of the Same Sex" - stupid new london slang to replace "Mush"
alrigh moss!
by James Pipe April 28, 2004
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When some one is funny in an awkward and charming way.
That boy was so Moss when he tripped in front of the girl he likes and blushed to make her laugh.
by westsidemoss January 11, 2012
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the act of puking, usually associated with the flu or heavy drinking.
by chandleRR January 5, 2009
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When you're tryna check the state of moss of the group of yutes, you hit them with a moss check quicktimes
Emad: wagwan bredren, moss check?
Balu: i'm hittin a fat ass moss rn top left

Emad: say swear fam
by AnakaTamilCundiVerapum November 12, 2019
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One who plants his or her face directly into a well forested nest of pubic hair and proceeds to munch.
The two sexual deviants couldn't decide who was going to be the Moss Muncher or the receiver .
by Buck naked May 29, 2017
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a verb or adjective involving being relaxed, lax, and chilled-out. Can be abbreviated to simply "moss"
Example 1:

Dude 1: Hey man, chase moss for a second, won't ya?

Example 2:

Person 1 (on the phone): Sup, what are you doing?
Dude 1: Oh nothin' really man, just listening to some O.A.R., downin' some brewskies.
Person 1: Damn! You are so (chase) moss
by Reynold Dawn July 7, 2008
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Often confused with vibe check, moss check is used to spontaneously check to see if the mandem in the room or vicinity are mossin.
Person 1: Moss Check?
Person 2: We mossin'
by A Refrigerator October 24, 2019
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