Mohammad- Praiseworthy; glorified, highly praised or one who constantly thanks God.

A very attractive person whom is rare to find. He is a loyal person and acts like a bitch sometimes, but always is kind at the end. If ever seen a Mohammad, be his friend because he's a keeper.
Ahmed- This name derived from the last messenger and prophet of Allah, Muhammed (may peace and blessings be upon him), which "Ahmed" is a shorter version of the name "Muhammed".
Mohammad Ahmed is very good looking and handsome man. I've found him very attractive.
by MuskanDalal November 22, 2021
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“Hey, that’s my Mohammad Ahmed!”
“Omg, that dog is so cute! What breed is it?”
“It’s a Mohammad Ahmed”
by The Strange Man November 26, 2021
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An action of which you are forced to do based on a previously silly choice.
Oh no, I've got to collect my friends hoodie from the roof of a container. I should not have given it to that large Pigeon.

I'm such a Lil' Mohammad
by Wize Old Oak June 21, 2018
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Mohammad hadi is a beautiful boys name. Mohammad hadi may seem cold and arrogant, but once you get to know him, you realize he has a golden heart full of love and soft emotions. So you should really consider yourself lucky if he let you in. he is fascinated by logic and actual facts. Mohammad hadi is a great helper. you always know he is there, if you get into any trouble. pretty much all you got to do, is to show him how good he is at all stuff and appreciate his work and effort. Don't worry! You never have to lie! He's a great lover and so sexy at times. Just try not to lose Mohammad hadi if you get one:)
Mohammad hadi is a great person.
by Betty.M November 23, 2021
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Like Muhammad from the Quran , Slept with 9 year old Aisha. mohammadism means supporting pedophilic acts involving minors “mohammadism”
Nah bro Jeffrey Epstein would do mohammadism rituals in this private island with children
by ArabianJew September 3, 2022
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The name of a very handsome man who is dark, sexy, and maybe smells like the desert. He has this alluring nature to him, but is the warmest and coziest man ever. He is always positive and his laugh even makes babies smile.

If the Mohammad you refer to is Persian, then he is definitely a keeper. Persian Mohammads have a beautiful background, goofy nature, and amazing sexy dance moves.

If Mohammad says he loves you, say it back!
His soul shines with kindness. Oh he must be a Mohammad!
by Oceansage1997 November 23, 2021
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One of the smartest and most driven individuals you will come across.
"Oh look! Mohammad. What a guy"- BBL
by fnd123 April 8, 2022
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