Mitchell is the bastard son of Zues and is an only child in his mortal family. This guy is a god among men. His awesomeness causes chuck norris to drop to his knees and bow down. Women have Wet Dreams about having a Wet Dream about a day with Mitchell. His Penis is 9 in. exactly but can still please a woman better than a man with a foot long rod. Awesomness pumps through his veins everyday and will turn anything his blood touches into pure energy. Overall
Dude, holy shit, that was Mitchell
by emefircus October 28, 2010
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to have any form of sexual intercourse or kissing in an elevator
we just did a mitchell
by brighterr March 27, 2008
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When you forgot what you want to say so you just say "Mitchell"
"I'm drinking a greasy old dirty Mitchell out here!"
"Fuck off Mitchell"
"You fucking mitchell"
by Aiden Gillan February 29, 2016
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Mitchells are generally strong, intelligent, and sporty people with a uniquely rye sense of humor and a presence that you can feel from across a room.

When they feel like it, they can be really fun and outgoing, but will need time to themselves to find the energy to socialize. (They tend to be the type of person who’s lowkey a popular loner)
They do their best to be thoughtful and conscious of the people around them, but can struggle to empathize and express their emotions to others.

Their greatest weakness is their proclivity to hold pent-up energy and strong emotions deep inside, as when they eventually release (though once in a blue moon) things can get pretty messy.

Their greatest strength is having natural talent in most things. They develop skills as easily as they can crack funny jokes.

They’re pretty decent with women, but could definitely use some practice as they WILL catch feelings 7/10 times for like, literally no reason whatsoever.

9/10 times they’re also tall Mfs with a low ass alcohol tolerance.
Hey look it’s Mitchell - the chill af dude I told you about.

Yea seems nice, but I guarantee he can’t out drink an 8 year old.

Nah, probs not.
by Thefactspitter February 3, 2021
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Mitchell is an extremely athletic and attractive guy. He's always super loving and sweet and isn't afraid to show you off. He has great hair, a great body, perfect lips, and the prettiest hazel eyes. Mitchell is also extremely funny and always has you laughing. He's loyal and smart and is just all around the best guy you could be with. You're the luckiest girl in the world if you end up with Mitchell.
"Did you see that cute snowboarder over there?"

"Who? Mitchell? Oh yeahhhh I couldn't miss a cute face like that"

by biggulp101 June 12, 2019
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Mitchell: Man i had a wicked good time last night with that puding.
by Eric Parsons May 29, 2008
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A "Mitchell" is an abnormaly large penis (8 to 15 inches long), or a man who has a large penis while everyone thinks he doesn't, or A Berziky
How would you describe your dick?
I guess it could be considered a Mitchell

Wow, that guy is totally a Mitchell
by Berziky September 22, 2011
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