To End A Relationship

Used Mainly By Youths In London
Millie: You Gonna Lock It With Him Then

Suzy: Yeah I FInk So
by Hollziiee October 19, 2008
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Abbreviated version of "polock", slang term for person of Polish descent.
Person 1: "We're making pierogies to celebrate your 'lock heritage."

Person 2: "Don't forget to put sour cream on them, or else they aren't fully 'lock."
by James Jayko December 9, 2008
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Absolutely Savage. A true legend. Gets All of girls. Alpha and Omega.
That guy is a Locke.
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also an alternative name for ganja/marijuana (used in the movie title: "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels")
Ed: Pass me the lock.
Bob: You're not English and stop pretending you understood the jokes in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
by brit-o-fish July 11, 2010
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U keepin a very close eye on tings
"keepin someone on lock"
boy1:I saw ur chick da other day with anova man
Boy2: naa man couldnt of been her.I have her on lock

another example:

girl 1:Im goin out
girl 2:where u goin
girl 1:somewhere y?
girl 2:where eva u go ill find ya
girl 1: naa u wont
girl 2: yes i will i got i orn lock
by Babii3 Blaze September 27, 2008
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boy: oh i locked it with her
by ConfusedOne August 27, 2008
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A substitute for "true dat" or for all you tools out there, "on dogs."
Pete: "Dude that girl be a straight up ho!"
Jeff: "Lock it bitch!"
by Wizard Girl September 20, 2009
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