The prettiest, cutest, bubbly girl you will ever meet. She resembles a dandelion, and/or Benjamin Franklin.
Lillian's forehead is so big you could eat a 5 course meal on it.
by recardoisfire May 22, 2020
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Lillian’s are usually bottoms. Who am I kidding they are always bottoms. They like to pretend they are tops but shake in their boots at any confrontation. Lillian’s are generally shy and quiet, and most likely went through a horse girl phase at some point. Their homosexual percentage will likely range from 50%-100%. Although they are annoying and disgusting, they do be kinda cute doe ngl 😳
Oh, it’s Lillian!
Ew look, she’s simping for that girl Eimy so much.
She always is, what do you expect?
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Lillian is literally the best person you’ll ever meet. She is so beautiful in every aspect. Although she gets really jealous and sad sometimes, if your there for her she’ll never forget you and will always be there for you. Everyone thinks she’s amazing and the hottest person on earth. She also goes really well with anyone called Liam.
by Łíám March 28, 2020
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Lillian is perfect. She is so beautiful, amazing, fun, and she can be nice. She can you simile even if you have had the worse day ever. She cares a lot and she can make you laugh too. She can be annoying but it’s all good because she is really cute and she will give so much attention even if you say she doesn’t. She has a smilie that can light up any room. Her eyes are so beautiful that you could just look at the forever and get lost in them. You could do nothing nothing with her and it would still be a great time. Even tho she is a bottom and won’t accept it.
Lillian is a special person (in a good way)
If you have a Lillian or Lilli in your life then consider yourself lucky
by Lasangua April 21, 2020
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Lillian is a very judgemental and manipulative person. She lies a lot to save herself and puts herself before others. She will fake her way through a friendship until the last second and leave you for someone else. A Lillian will hurt you in the worst way possible by stealing your friends and destroying your reputation. If you ever meet a Lillian, stay away.
New Person: “ I just met this new girl, her name is Lillian. I think she’s my new best friend
Old friend of Lillian: “ get out before she hurts you”
by Ad3l¡n3 June 7, 2020
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Lillian acts like a good friend but then turns her back on you. She’s a bitch who if she doesn’t get her way she will throw a temper tantrum like a toddler. She thinks she is the best person ever, but really nobody likes her because she is not kind to anyone except herself.
Lillian is a rude, ungrateful girl.
by Paige Baalman April 9, 2020
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