LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.
People may say LGBTQ Which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer

There are other sexualities such as asexual, pansexual and many more in the LGBT community
"I'm officially part of the LGBT community"
by The master of masers October 16, 2017
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Abbr. Lets Go Burn Things! This is appropriate since fires were set at Stonewall when gays rioted for rights.
We were going to turn over a police car or throw a trash can through the window when we decided to LGBT instead. So there went City Hall up in flames.
by Gurl Troll February 24, 2008
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It is completely stupid and shouldn't even be a thought in anyone's brain. It's worse than Hitler
The LGBT community is ass.
by AllFaxxx October 30, 2018
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Liqueur, Guns, Beer, and tits.
This is what LGBT should really mean.
guy 1 "I'm part of the LGBT"
guy 2 "Wait what?"
guy 1"Yeah liqueur, guns, beet and tits. Its epic."
by xxXMasterXx December 10, 2018
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LGBT stands for

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