A kind, caring, jealous girl. Can be mean and bitchy. Also can be the nices girl in the world. She deals with bullying almost every day. There’s no day in her life she isn’t depressed. But there is the good days too.
:) Jenna
by Jennarocks949 October 12, 2018
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Jenna is a fun loving beautiful girl. She is good at basically everything and can always bring a smile to you face. If she wants something she knows how to get it. Jenna often puts others before herself. Jenna lights up a room as she walks in. She is good at reading people and can often feel their intentions. Even though she doesn’t act like it, Jenna is smart but can be lazy at times. Jenna knows how to use her beauty to manipulate others and she knows when a guy likes her. Everyone loves Jenna
Person 1- Jenna is so perfect, did you see how good she is at sports?

Person 2- yeah she is so beautiful I love her
by Asdfguenifkenjxke November 28, 2018
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the girl that everyone loves, some girls are veeeeeeerrry jealous of, all the boys wanna be with her but her heart is only with one. always looks good, no matter what shes wearing. smart, funny, creative, good at everything she does. and most of all.... beautiful
jenna is just the awesomeest girl that everyone likes. she is just plain awesome in every way
by xoxogurrl June 11, 2009
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guy1: *jaw drops, eye light up*
guy2: wow you look like you just saw Jenna
by LexieL March 5, 2009
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The most spectacular ass anyone has ever seen. Large but not to an excessive degree and tight but not overly muscular.
Fabio- "Wow Becky! Check out that chicks butt!"

Becky- "holy shit! That's a Jenna!"

Fabio- "Yeah! I thought Monica's ass was great but it doesn't even compare to this one!
by Jenna..... June 17, 2008
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-A very good Broadway actress
-A super good friend
-Epic wake board wipe outs
-Great body
-super nice bootie;)
-never says anything bad
-flirts a lot
-fun to talk to
-Many guys want her
wow shes a Jenna
by drumma25 July 19, 2009
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A really sexy girl who's extremely sweet and caring and also extremely affectionate.
Matt: Hey, did you see that sexy girl who's been hugging everyone today?

Jacob: Yeh man, that's Jenna, she's really nice.
by bananaz4sho February 15, 2009
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