A condition in which the sufferer only indulgences in a certain type of food (or something) and becomes unable to bear the sight of it anymore.Originating from Becca's dad,who ate too many jaffa cakes and doesn't like them anymore.
Becca: I love madeira cake! Do you wan some madeira cake?
Ash: ew! no! I hate madeira cake!
Becca: how could you hate madeira cake?
Ash: I ate too much of it when I was younger
Becca: Oh,you have jaffa cake Syndrome.
by applebottomjeans March 4, 2008
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possibly the best biscuits in the world. ever.
They own you. AND your mum.
it's impossible to eat them like you would eat a mere cookie.
this is because cookies are inferior.
"hmm, what should we get."
"no, jaffa cakes, derkhead."

a real conversation.
as you can see, bourbons, jaffa cakes and jammy dodgers own.
by Anna & Tilly May 24, 2008
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A pasty and sickly looking ginger chav

with Brady eyes who will likely steal anything from an e-cig to his own sisters virginity, and then stab you in the back.
"You wanna chill with Connor pal?"

"Na, don't trust him, man looks like a Jaffa Snake"
by Pom123 April 9, 2022
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British Army slang for Just Another Fat Fucking Arsehole.
"How did that new Sergeant get his fucking stripes? He's shite."
"JAFFA, pal. JAFFA."
by Cannon_Fodder_Grunt July 19, 2022
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Is a truly sexy man he loves giving Antonio sexual pleasure and he showers with him daily. Everyone inspires to be like this man as he has 4 dicks and 14 wives and 90 kids and not to mention he's a man of god he loves Santa and has 10 kids with Santa, Santa gets anything Ashton wants even a BJ and head he also loves all forms of men that have a dick longer than an ant
Hey Stacy your such a mabes babes
Omg that's such a Lil jaffas
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