A crazy ass Miley fan on twitter, who hates on Nick Jonas and is obsessed with monkey boy "Liam Hemsworth" if you don't agree with her with ANYTHING, she'll Block you. she hates being called "Jackie" so thats what everyone calls her. She says she's against bullying, but she's apparently 21 and bullies minors.

She uses an excessive amount of random random CAPS.
Whenever she bashes someone she uses a "=/" or ">:(" and when she yells she goes !!!!11!!!!!11!!!1!!!1

and has no sense of humor.
Friend: omg. this crazy miley fan is hating on me.

Me: You mean Jacqueline Rose? She blocked me a few months ago.
by Liv =/ April 7, 2011
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Jacqueline Jossa is one of the most beautiful women of all time. Her smile is captivating, bright, and contagious. One which can light up an entire room. Her personality is energetic and bubbly. Her very presence can cheer someone up if they're in a bad mood. All Jacqueline Jossa radiates is positive vibes. Her style is unique, and she makes every outfit look absolutely gorgeous. Everything about this woman is pure perfection.

An incredible English actress, who's starred in TV shows, such as: EastEnders and I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!
"Jacqueline Jossa is insanely beautiful."
by Josh Silvester January 21, 2020
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Jacqueline Martinez... they tend to be bitches. They will steal from you and talk so much shit. But even if you confront them they keep lyinggggg. They can't own up to their shit even when everyone knows the truth. They think they can fight and they lie about everything. If you find a Jacqueline Martinez in Moorpark... get the fuck away while you still can. They also suck dick on school buses and they try to make you have sex with their family members so they can have sex with someone else even though they are in a relationship.
Boy: Jacqueline Martinez is such a whore. She sucked my buddy's dick on a school bus.
Boy: Jacqueline Martinez cheated on me.
Girl: She lied to my mom and even got her mom to lie. bitch.
by Alltruthhhh November 21, 2018
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A woman that cant get right.
She's normally a cheater and can never be trusted. When you show this woman Love she disregards it and makes you feel like poop for even falling for her.
Jacqueline cannot get right!
by Mike200180 December 22, 2016
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A word meaning jackass for usage around small children
(gests cut off) you jack a- I mean jacqueline
by niloc04 January 4, 2018
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Park Jay’s (from the boy band “Enhypen”) little “sister”.
Example: Jacquelin Park’s brother is Jay.
by jellobello123 October 21, 2021
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Some fat ass stink hoe who had three kids and abandoned them. Then she got with a guy at work and another guy at work and lied to both that she was not seeing the other. So then she gets one guy fired because she borrowed cash from him and he asked for it back.
That dirty Jacqueline ass hoe is at it again stankin up the joint with her foul attitude and stinky hairy twat.
by Nun on the run March 28, 2020
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