Rad skater dude bad ass, scared of no one even though hes pretty small. Fucking savage willing to kickflip a 500 stair or boardslide a 100 stair. He has the best sponsors and the best girl(s) and if your friends with him your girl is going to be jacked guaranteed. He owns a Harley and a bigass chevy truck and the biggest house in the neighbor hood. This kid is a complete savage and hilarious. He is also big cute and bones moms faster than he ollies a 50 stair. He also is the most serious but nice person you know. He also hates his name.
Dayumm did you see (Isaiah) Kickflip that 600 stair.
Dayumm (Isaiah) jacked my girl again.
Dayumm (Isaiah) is big cute.
Dayumm did you see (Isaiah) Harley.
Dayumm (Isaiah) knocked my dad out because he was trying to fight him cause he boned my mom.
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A fucking pricky motherfucker. I hated him at the start of the summer and now i know he is pretty chill. Isaiah is now my best friend. He is wicked tall and wicked funny. We fuck with people all the time. Best friends forever!
by Assholequeen August 24, 2011
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The type of guy to have a 50 in cock
(When you are in bed) man Isaiah that is huge !!!!
by My nutz August 4, 2017
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Isaiah is the whitest black boy you’ll ever meet. Isaiah is the guy who can make even the saddest person laugh. He has an amazing personality, very funny.
Did u guys see Isaiah
Who that Oreo looking kid

Yeah him
by Big Daddy J.E March 6, 2019
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Isaiah is an outgoing, wild, and fun person to be around. Isaiah is a freaking SMARTY PANTSSS! He's an amazing friend and will always be there for you. He's a good listener and always knows what to say, no matter what. And if you ever need him he will be there with you ina heart beat. If you have an Isaiah as a friend then your one lucky person. Don't ever let him go!

For the ladies he is the best partner to have in bed. You like big dicks then he's your guy. He will satisfy your every need in bed and more.
Isaiah gave me the best sex i've ever had
by Babydaddyshere December 19, 2016
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Santa called Isaiah out from the closet to give him some head
by heilthekkk February 13, 2018
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Usually an Isaiah can get easily ticked off. He does not like to be messed with and will always be willing to throw the first hit. Despite his anger he is also very lovable at times. He will go through anything to protect his loved ones. He is always wild and loves to play around.
Dang that Isaiah just beat me up and he didn’t even break a sweat.
by andre61606 December 17, 2018
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