She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see. Every feature that she posseses is engraved in your mind from the second you lay eyes on her. Isabell or Bella is not limited to just physical features, her personality is equally as beautiful.
You wonder how it is that a person this extraordinary can exist, but find yourself just appreciating the fact that she exists, and even better yet, that you know her.
She is also the best friend a guy could ever wish for,if u happen to know her,then consider ur self one lucky sonofabitch xD
Person : whoa bill,who is dis hawt chick u chat with?
Bill: haha well she is my bestie Isabell!!
Person:yea she is definitely an Isabell O_O
by blueberryBilly December 6, 2009
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A very kind and sweet girl. Usually come from the French root (belle, meaning beautiful), or Spanish. Isabel's are usually either Spanish or Italian, having dark hair and curves. Isabel's have big brown eyes that always are bright. Isabel's are usually picky about everything. Boys, food, clothes, you name it. They are not rude or mean to other people and are always kind, even when inside they are very annoyed. Get's along with everyone, and has a great sence of humor. Does not have an innapropriate side.
"You're such an Isabel."

Why, thank you ;)
by supbroheyyy December 2, 2011
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an awesome girl who loves her friends, she loves boys that are blonde. have I mentioned shes gorgeous, beautiful, pretty and has the best taste in friends and boyfriends.

shes funny and is very focused and loving.
by isabelle.awsemness October 24, 2013
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The coolest person ever. She is really amazing and can always make you laugh. She is seriously my best friend forever. And even though she's abusive I still love her :)
Risabel, Iiiiiisabel, NOT ISABELLE
by Shmatie November 15, 2008
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Person 1 "Who did you ask out earlier?"

Ilias "Isabell"

Person 1 "Oh my god, shes the most beautiful girl in the world."
by I am Ilias January 5, 2009
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An amazingly beautiful girl, deriving from her name with the French root "belle" meaning beautiful. She is a very modest person and has many friends due to her friendliness, but gives little trust.
"Isabel is such an amazing person, she just doesn't know it."
by pipsqeak_m0use April 1, 2009
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